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Sports Science Research
2013 Issue 1
Electromyographic Analysis of Power Bicycle Test for Cyclists
guo hong sheng ; wang le jun ; gong ming xin ; si hu ke
Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity— What works?
Nancy Butte
10000 Hour Law and Talent Selection
SHEN Xun-zhang
Researches on the Winning Factors of Women's Handball
SONG Yong-wang;SONG Ai-jing;CHEN Jian-min
Psychological Response and Psychological Rehabilitation after Sports Injury
an yan ; zheng fan hui ; wang de jian ; wu xiao jun
Why 95% of weight control failed?
ZHU Wei-mo
Globalisation and Obesity in the Chinese Context
Colin Boreham
Evolution of Leisure Sport Facilities in Shanghai
LI Li-mei;LOU Jia-jun;XIAO Wei-wei