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Sports Science Research
2004 Issue 6
On the Development of Rural Sport in a Better-off Society
pei li xin ; zhou lan jun ; liu xin guang
Research on the Sport Service Industry in Shanghai
ke ti zu
Operation Risk Analysis of Important Competitive Sport Events
xiao feng ; shen jian hua
Olympic Games' New Pattern of Domination and It's Challenge
xiao huan yu ; he rong ; liu jing ; xu zuo
Study of the Spread of Wu Shu Culture
zhang de sheng ; jiang xiao hong ; zhang su fang
Studies of the Present Rural Residents' Sport Activity in Jiang Xi Province
xiong bai hua ; peng yong ; chen hua jie ; wang qing xiang
Sport Communication and Urban Civilization
liu jing ; xiao huan yu
An Analysis of Liu Xiang's Technique in 100m Hurdle Final at the Athens Olympic Games
xu yi cheng ; mi wei guo ; zhang meng han
Study on Gym Ability of Six-Year-Old Children
zhang yu ling ; chen xi yao
Approaches to Human Body Composition Analysis
hou shao hua ; hou man
Winning Volleyball "The Principle of Rhythm"
guo zhi xiong
An Approach to the Offensive Tactics at the Euro 2004
wei xiao guang ; zheng gui hai
Kinematics' Feature of Joint Movement in Wu Shu San Da's Whip-Kick
zhu hong ; cao hua ; tian wen xue ; yan xiang dong
Physical Function's Changes' of the Male and Female Junior Judo Athletes After One Week's High Volume Training
zhu hai yan ; wei yong ; du wen bo ; chen pei jie ; dong zuo
Swimmer's VO2max and Some Measuring Methods
wang dao ; hong ping ; gao bing hong
Research on Lactic Acid of Athletes in Maneuver of Sail
zhang hua ; li zuo jun
Problems in analysis of math variation structure
liu zuo
Study of the Competitive Sports Marketing in the Institutions of Higher Learning in 21 Century
wang zuo ; sheng shao zeng ; kong yan hua ; wu zhan