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Sports Science Research
2004 Issue 2
Study on Lower Extremity Jump Muscle Groups of Volleyball Players
zhang tao ; jin zuo
guo wai xue xiao ti yu jian wen
chen lin
On the Status Quo of the Vocational Prestige of University PE Teachers
zhang jian xin ; huang jun wei ; liu ya yun
On the Development of Sportswear Market in the Yangtse Delta
zhao bo ; zhang lin
Enlarge the Avantages of Shanghai.Improve the Dvelopment of social Sports
zhao wen jie ; li wei ting ; li wei min ; li jian guo ; liu xin ; wang zi qing
An Attempt to Apply "Three Yourself" Activity to PE Teaching
shi zhi xiang
Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Sports Values of Youngsters
wang gui hua ; xiao huan yu
The Application of Achievement Goal Orientation Theory in PE Teaching
song jin wen ; chen xi yao
A New Form of Biomechanical Theoretical Method
xin ding liang
Analysis on the Training of Zhao Ning by Using GM(1,N) Model
yang li yong
Relationship between Biomechanical Parameters in Different Vertical Jumps and Performance of Female Weightlifters
zhang qing lai ; meng zhan ling ; li feng xiang ; zhao huan bin
Effect of Exercise on Plasma ANF
li jing ping
Changes of Serum Mb, CK and CK Isoenzymes of Basketball Players after Heavy Load Training
cui yu peng ; yang ze yi ; zhou li li ; xu bao hua ; gao hong ; wang shou heng
Sports Injuries and Its Expressions of Cell Factor
zuo li ping
Appllcation of Far-Fixation Power Training to Male Triple Jumper's Practice
li hou lin ; guo yi jun