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Journal of Sports Adult Education
2009 Issue 5
Construction of P.E. curriculum resource exploration and assessment system
zhang zuo ; wang zuo ; su jing
Teaching research of optional learning group of aerobics
xie pei na
Teaching and management of P.E. Major practice of normal university
wang jian min ; xie fang ; liu mao chang ; yao jian mei ; yan wei bao
P.E. curriculum standards in China and U. S.
chen jin feng ; hong wei
Working features and rules of referees of football match of deaf
wang hai jun ; xiao jian guo ; lv jian li
Development goal and way of sport performance major
zhu jian wei ; chen ling
Sport of Huxiang culture
kang di ; tian yu pu
After effect of Beijing Olympic Games on host country
zhang bing
Brand design and implementation in commercial operation of Nest and Water Cube
ruan wei guo ; xiong xi yu
Comparison of Chinese and foreign sports brand culture
jie chao ; sun yun xia ; jin cheng ji
Marine folk sports culture of Zhoushan islands
zhang tong kuan
P.E. teacher development before May 4tb movement in China
hu jing ping
Structure and features of appearance design of basketball stars
liu guo fu ; li xiao yan
Rural sport of Uyghur nationality in Xinjiang
wei zuo
Current outdoor sport in China
zhang peng fei ; lu jing jing
Features of ethnic traditional sport competition regions of Xinjiang minority
zhang xin hui ; zhu mei xin ; li jin guo
Factor analysis of defender skills index of 29th Olympic men\'s basketball match
huang xue liang ; wang xiao ming
Number variation features of athletic gynmasts in China
du cai feng ; wang bao long
Development of athletic sport talent reserve in Jiangsu province in 20 years
liu yi ming ; wu cheng qing
Role of music in Taiji boxing practice
deng zuo ; li fang