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Acta Astronomica Sinica
2016 Issue 2
The Influence of the Large-scale Environment on Galaxy Property
WEI Yu-qing;,WANG Lei;,DAI Cai-ping;
Periodicity Analysis of X-ray Light Curves of SS 433
WANG Jun-yi;,LU Xiang-long;,ZHAO Qiu-wen;,DONG Dian-qiao;,LAO Bao-qiang;,LU Yang;,WEI Yan-heng;,WU Xiao-cong;,AN Tao;
The Outburst Observations of Black Hole Binary System V404 Cyg by Swift/XRT in 2015
FU Bo-wen;,CHEN Yu-peng;,ZHANG Shu;,JI Long;,LI Jian;
Study of Polarimetries of the Earth-like Exoplanet
SONG Wei;,QU Zhong-quan;
Research on the Application of a Special Inter-satellite Link
QIN Wei-jin;,WEI Pei;,YANG Xu-hai;
A Novel Method of Clock Synchronization in Distributed System
LI Gun;,NIU Meng-jie;,CHAI Yang-shun;,CHEN Xin;,REN Yan-qiu;
Track Initiation for Electro-Optical Tracking of Space Ob jects
XU Zhan-wei;,WANG Xin;
Research on the Calculation Method of Optical Path Difference of the Shanghai Tian Ma Telescope
DONG Jian;,FU Li;,JIANG Yong-bin;,LIU Qing-hui;,GOU Wei;,YAN Feng;
The Platform Design of Space-based Optical Observations of Space Debris
CHEN Bing-er;,XIONG Jian-ning;
The Application of ElasticSearch in the Massive Astronomical Data Retrieval
CHEN Ya-jie;,WANG Feng;,DENG Hui;,LIU Ying-bo;