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Acta Astronomica Sinica
2004 Issue 2
The CASCAM Network Control System Based on TCP/IP
ren shi bo ; yao yong qiang ; yao da zhi
Development of a CCD Camera for Astronomical Site Survey
wu jian wen ; zuo ye xiao guang ; yao yong qiang
Monitoring and Predicting the Real Time Ionoshperic Electron Content by Means of GPS
jin shuang gen ;j.wang; zhang hong ping ; zhu wen yao
Discussion on Algorithms of the Earth's Atmospheric Retrieval from Occultation of Non-circular Orbit GPS/LEO Satellites
guo peng ; cai feng jing ; hong zhen jie ; yan hao jian ; liu min
Video Instruments and Observations for Meteors in Yunnan Observatory
wu guang jie ; zhang zhou sheng
An Incompressible Stratified Fluid Model of the Comet's Collision with Jupiter
k.zhang; chen dao han ;c.jones
Properties of the Exciting Source of the Outflow in IRAS 20231+3440 Region
jiang zhi bo ; yang zuo ; yao yong qiang ;miki ishii; mao rui qing
The Heating of X-ray Gas by Radio Gas in Cluster PKS0745-191
xiang fei ; chen yong ; wu mei ; lu fang jun ; song li ming ; jia shu mei