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Acta Astronomica Sinica
2003 Issue 2
The Measure Method and Data Analysis of Centimeter Wave Band Background-Noise's Level
ni guang ren ; sheng jun ; yang ting gao ; zhao dang li ; zhao jun min
Background Rejection in Space Hard X-ray Detector
ma tao ; chang jin ; hang huan rong
On the Algorithm of Processing Observation Datum of GPS Common-view in Near Real-time
yang xu hai ; hu yong hui ; li zhi gang ; li xiao hui ; zheng xing wu
The Determination of EOP from the SLR Data of Combining lageos1 and lageos2
feng chu gang ; zhu yuan lan ; zhang fei peng
Quantitative Analysis of Global Tectonic Asymmetry
jin shuang gen ; zhu wen yao
A Method of Orbit Determination Considering the Oblatenss of the Earth
liu lin ; wang zuo
Two Regions where Plutinos With Larger Masses Might Exist
dai zhi feng ; huang tian yi ; wan xiao sheng
The Observational Evidence of Solar Coronal Decimetric Radio Pulsations With Very Short Periods
xie rui xiang ; wang min ; shi shuo biao ; xu chun ; li wei hua ; yan yi hua
Application of no Fiducial Approach in SLR Data Processing
zhang yan an ; song mu tao ; ji hai sheng ; huang guang li
Monte Carlo Simulations on Orbital Elements and Abundance of Barium Stars
shi wei bin ; niu ping ; zhang bo ; liu jun hong ; peng qiu he
Near Infrared Photometry for 20 Hipparcos Carbon Stars
chen pei sheng ; yang xiao hong ; wang zuo hao
Study on the Properties of the Blue Loops
zeng yi rong