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Acta Astronomica Sinica
2003 Issue 1
The Establishment and Use of the Point Source Catalog Database of the 2MASS Near Infrared Survey
gao yi fei ; dan hong guang ; chen dong
The kinematic analysis and construction of the tectonic blocks motion model in Asia
jin shuang gen ; zhu wen yao
A Method to Estimate the Dynamic Precision of Observation
zhang xiao xiang ; wu lian da ; lu chun lin
Determination of LAGEOS Satellite's Precise Orbits and Residual Analysis
feng chu gang ; zhu yuan lan ; zhang fei peng
The Structure Evolution of Satellite Constellation
hu song jie ; chen li ; liu lin
Ground-based VLBI Relativistic Time Delay Model for Spacecrafts in Solar System
zhang han wei ; zheng yong ; du lan
On the Shape of Cometary Halos
chen dao han ; zheng xue tang
The Observational Evidence of Microwave Pulsations with Very Long Periods in the Corona
xie rui xiang ; wang min ; shi shuo biao ; xu chun ; li wei hua ; yan yi hua ;r.a.sych;a.t.altyntsev
IRAS 19227+1700: Carbon-rich or Oxygen-rich Star?
chen pei sheng ; he jin hua ; wang zuo hao
Beryllium Depletion in the Solar Atmosphere
xiong da run ; deng li cai