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Journal of Tongren University
2014 Issue 6
zhu chi ren yu
fan zi zuo ;
A Probe intoWenxuanand the Third Century Literature
KONG Xurong;
Herbert Allen Giles’ Translation of Chinese Poems
WU Fusheng;
zhu chi ren yu
huang bai quan ;
An Analysis on Women’s Education in Plato’sThe Republic
XU Shanshan;
The Imperial Images in the Poems Written by Du Fu
CHEN Mengxiong;
An Empirical Analysis on the Inflow Population in Anhui
CHEN Xueyun;,FENG Chunmei;,SHI Xianhua;
Ecological Ethics in Buddhist Culture of Fanjing Mountain
LONG Wenyong;,ZHAO Hui;
On Bernhard Karlgren’s Initial Consonant Clusters
XIE Jianniang;
An Analysis on Mandarin-speaking Children’s Turn-taking Pragmatic Strategies
PENG Xiaohong;,ZENG Pingfeng;
Overview on Outstanding Talent Cultivation Mode in China
ZHENG Guogui;
On the Influence of Multimedia on Art Teaching in Colleges and Universities
RAN Xiangdong;,TANG Xiong;