CO2 foam fracturing technology in shale gas development
Zhou Changlin;Peng Huan;Sang Yu;Ran Li;Liu Lian;Li Song;Engineering and Technology Research Institute;PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;Key Laboratory of Shale Gas Evaluation and Production of Sichuan Province;Chongqing Shale Gas Exploration and Development Co.;Ltd.;
Safety protection distance in high-sulfur gas field development
Weng Banghua;Rao Wei;Chen Hui;Guo Shiyue;He Jingyang;HSE and Technical Supervision Research Institute of Petro China Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation;Sichuan Tianyu Petroleum Environmental Protection & Safety technology Consulting Services Ltd.;PetroChina International Iraq FZE Iraq Branch;Sichuan DMS Engineering Design Co.;Ltd.;