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Natural Gas Industry
2016 Issue 1
Energy revolution:From a fossil energy era to a new energy era
Zou Caineng;Zhao Qun;Zhang Guosheng;Xiong Bo;PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;Langfang Branch of PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;
Hot Review
Target post-evaluation of China’s "12th Five-Year" oil and gas exploration and development planning and its "13th Five-Year" target prediction
Pan Jiping;Lou Yu;Wang Luxin;Strategic Research Center of Oil & Gas Resources;Ministry of Land and Resources;
Breakthrough and prospect of shale gas exploration and development in China
Dong Dazhong;Wang Yuman;Li Xinjing;Zou Caineng;Guan Quanzhong;Zhang Chenchen;Huang Jinliang;Wang Shufang;Wang Hongyan;Liu Honglin;Bai Wenhua;Liang Feng;Lin Wen;Zhao Qun;Liu Dexun;Qiu Zhen;Petro China Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;National Energy Shale Gas R&D <Experimental>Centre;Langfang Branch of PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;
Comprehensive evaluation technology for shale gas sweet spots in the complex marine mountains,South China:A case study from Zhaotong national shale gas demonstration zone
Liang Xing;Wang Gaocheng;Xu Zhengyu;Zhang Jiehui;Chen Zhipeng;Xian Chenggang;Lu Huili;Liu Chen;Zhao Chunduan;Xiong Shaoyun;PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company;PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology;Schlumberger China;
Geochemical evidence of water-soluble gas accumulation in the Weiyuan Gas Field,Sichuan Basin
Qin Shengfei;Zhou Guoxiao;Li Wei;Hou Yaohua;L Fang;PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;China University of Mining and Technology;
Main controlling factors and favorable zone distribution of Xixiangchi Formation reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin
Li Wenzheng;Zhou Jingao;Zhang Jianyong;Hao Yi;Zeng Yiyang;Ni Chao;Wang Fang;Tang Song;PetroChina Hangzhou Research Institute of Geology;CNPC Key Laboratory of Carbonate Reservoirs;PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;Chuanzhong Oil and Gas Field of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company;
Breakthrough in staged fracturing technology for deep shale gas reservoirs in SE Sichuan Basin and its implications
Zeng Yijin;Chen Zuo;Bian Xiaobing;Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering;
A semi-analytic model of wellbore temperature field based on double-layer unsteady heat conducting process
Zhao Jinzhou;Peng Yu;Li Yongming;Tian Zhisheng;Fu Dongyu;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation//Southwest Petroleum University;Sinopec Henan Petroleum Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
An analysis method for reservoir fluid saturation by pressure coring:A case study from Quaternary biogenetic gas reservoirs in the Tainan Gas Field,Qaidam Basin
Ma Lining;Li Jiangtao;Hua Ruixiang;Li Qing;Chang Lin;Qu Bin;Sun Hufa;PetroChina Qinghai Oilfield Company;Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Company;
Experimental study and application of stimulation technologies for Sinian Dengying Formation reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin
Han Huifen;Sang Yu;Yang Jian;Engineering Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company;National Energy R&D Center of High-Sulfur Gas Reservoir Exploitation;
Key technology for treating slack coal blockage in CBM recovery:A case study from multi-lateral horizontal wells in the Qinshui Basin
Yang Yong;Cui Shuqing;Ni Yuanyong;Zhang Guosheng;Li Lichang;Meng Zhenqi;PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company;Engineering Technology Research Institute of CNPC Bohai Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Design of continuous circulating sub for gas drilling and the mechanical analysis on the sub body
Feng Ding;Sun Qiaolei;Xia Chengyu;Zhang Hong;Chen Min;Tu Yiliu;Hubei Cooperative Innovation Center of Unconventional Oil and Gas;Yangtze University;Oil and Gas Drilling and Well Completion Tools Research Center;Yangtze University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Yangtze University;
Casing failure laws under uniaxial compressive load
Lin Yuanhua;Deng Kuanhai;Zeng Dezhi;Sun Yongxing;Li Kewei;Zhao Liping;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation//Southwest Petroleum University;Key Laboratory for Tubular Goods Engineering//Southwest Petroleum University;Drilling & Production Engineering Technology Research Institute of CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;School of Geoscience and Technology;Southwest Petroleum University;CNPC Drilling Research Institute;
The three-dimensional theoretical model for the vortex-induced vibration of deepwater drilling risers
Fu Qiang;Mao Liangjie;Zhou Shouwei;Wang Guorong;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation//Southwest Petroleum University;China National Offshore Oil Corporation;School of Mechatronics Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;
Standardized surface engineering design of shale gas reservoirs
Liang Guangchuan;Yu Yuhang;Peng Xingyu;School of Oil & Natural Gas Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;
Effects of sloshing on the performance of FLNG calandria liquid distributors
Tang Jianfeng;Yang Fan;Cui Jian;Chu Jie;Zhang Haojie;Xiu Yunfei;College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering;China University of Petroleum <East China>;CNOOC Gas & Power Group Research & Development Center;
Key FLNG liquefaction technologies for refrigerant compressors and main cryogenic heat exchangers
Wu Yaozeng;Wang Wenxiang;Hong Yi;Keer Qinhu;CNOOC Research Institute;
Construction of smart oil and gas fields in the "Internet Plus" era
Xie Jun;PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas field Company;
Transmission effect of price reform on natural gas industry chain and countermeasures
Gao Jun;Wu Xintong;Shi Kai;Li Youbin;Long Ruxiang;School of Economics and Management;Southwest Petroleum University;Sichuan Development Research Center of Oil and Gas;Field Service Department of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield;Chongqing Kaiyuan Petroleum &Natural Gas Co.;Ltd.;Sichuan Huayou Gas Corporation Limited;
mei guo shou du chu kou ye hua tian ran qi
tian gong ;
Pressure rank selection of natural gas distribution networks in medium-small towns
Kong Chuan;Chongqing University;Sichuan University;