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Natural Gas Industry
2013 Issue 9
A3-D integrated management mode helps promote the exploration and development of giant oil and gas fields with an annual production of more than ten million tons in the Bagtiyarlyk Contract Area
Liu Henian;Wu Lei;Zhang Peijun;Cheng Xubin;Fei Huaiyi;Deng Changnian;CNPC-Turkmenistan-Amu Darya River Natural Gas Company;Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute of Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CNPC;
On tight and shale oil & gas
Zhang Kang;Zhang Kuiye;Zhang Lulu;Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute;Research Center of China Energy Network;Graduate School of Petroleum University of China;
The ultimate geological interpretation from the seismic data:On the transformation from seismic wave section to acoustic impedance section
Xu Zhongying;Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute of the Former Sichuan Petroleum Administration;
Restudy of the formation mechanism of the Da’anzhai condensate gas reservoir in the Bajiaochang structure,Middle Sichuan Basin
Chen Shijia;Liu Chaowei;Yang Yueming;Lu Jungang;Yang Jiajing;Tang Haiping;Wang Li;Huang Youlin;Wang Gang;Southwest Petroleum University;Exploration and Development Research Institute;Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
Characteristics of effective source rocks in the Jurassic and hydrocarbon accumulation patterns in the areas near the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin
Zhai Zhiwei;Zhang Yongshu;Yang Hongmei;Sha Wei;Nian Xiuqing;Hao Xiaomei;Ren Qian;Zhang Jianjie;Exploration and Development Research Institute of Qinghai Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
LWD analysis of thin carbonate reservoirs in horizontal wells
Tang Xie;Tang Jiaqiong;Luo Yuhai;Deng Yuerui;Cui Jian;Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute of Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.Ltd.;CNPC;
Porosity estimation based on petrophysical model and prestack elastic inversion
Cai Hanpeng;He Zhenhua;He Guangming;Zou Wen;Long Hao;Gao Gang;Geophysical Exploration Company;Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CNPC;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation∥Cheng- du University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation∥Chengdu University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Earth Exploration and Information Technology;Ministry of Education∥Chengdu University of Technology;
Analysis and application of fracture network models of volume fracturing in shale gas reservoirs
Cheng Yuanfang;Li Youzhi;Shi Xian;Wu Bailie;Wang Xin;Deng Wenbiao;College of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum-East China;Langfang Branch of Petroleum Exploration & Development Research Institute;PetroChina;
A feasibility study on volume fracturing in ultra-deep fractured sandstone gas reservoirs
Han Xiuling;Zhou Fujian;Xiong Chunming;Zhang Fuxiang;Liu Xiongfei;CNPC Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Production;Langfang Branch of Pe- troleum Exploration & Development Research Institute;Tarim Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Volume fracturing and its practices in Sulige tight sandstone gas reservoirs,Ordos Basin
Li Jinbu;Bai Jianwen;Zhu Li’an;Jia Jianpeng;Zu Kai;Han Hongxu;National Engineering Laboratory of Exploration and Development of Low Permeability Oil & Gas Fields;Research Center of Sulige Gas Field;Changqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;Project Supervision Department of Changqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
A new method of determining the inflow performance relationship in water-producing gas wells
Li Xiaoping;Hu Junkun;Wang Yuzhong;Zhang Liehui;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;Graduate School of Southwest Petroleum University;No.2 Oil Production Plant of Huabei Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
An experimental study on gas-channeling blocking by salt precipitation
Jin Fayang;Tian Yuanyuan;Pu Wanfen;Yuan Chengdong;Guo Yong;Liu Zhezhi;College of Petroleum Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;Oilfield Production Research Institute of China Oilfield Services Limited;CNOOC;
Wellbore integrity design of high-temperature gas wells containing CO2
Zhang Zhi;Li Yanjun;Zhang Chao;Huang Yi;Guo Yongbin;Luo Limin;Shi Taihe;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;Drilling and Completion Division of CNOOC Zhanjiang Branch;
A method of controlling the bottomhole pressures in well killing
Li Qian;Yang Xianlun;Wu Xianzhu;College of Petroleum Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;Research Institute of Yanchang Petroleum Co.;Ltd.;Production and Operation Division of Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CNPC;
Technical measures for improving compatibility of cement slurry with CO2-contaminated drilling fluid:A case study
Nie Shijun;Feng Bin;Liu Shibin;Sun Xiang;Zhang Xuan;Li Bing;Gao Yang;Downhole Service Company of Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CNPC;Bohai Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Company;CNOOC Limited;
xiang guo si chu qi ku zhu qi liang yu 1000 10~4m~3
tian gong ;
A novel low-fluorescence anti-sloughing agent for a drilling fluid system and its mechanism analysis
Li Zhijun;Pu Xiaolin;Wang Gui;Chen Yong;Su Ya;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;Southwest Drilling Company of Sinopec Zhongyuan Petroleum Engi- neering Co.;Ltd.;Kuche Exploration and Development Project De- partment of Tarim Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
The elemental sulfur deposition and its corrosion in high sulfur gas fields
Fan Zhou;Li Hongchuan;Liu Jianyi;OuYang Xu;Lu Liuli;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation//Southwest Petroleum University;Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute;Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CNPC;
Building and optimizing an intelligent control system of a sour gas heating furnace in the Puguang Gas Field,Sichuan Basin
Wang Heqin;Zhang Fendian;Li Yanli;Liu Fangjian;Ning Haichun;Han Yanjun;Puguang Division of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company;Exploration & Development Scientific Research Institute of Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company;
An experimental study of the flame lifting of natural gas in partially premixed gas burners
Zhang Yangjun;Qin Caokui;College of Mechanical Engineering;Tongji University;
An energy-saving technology for a dehydrating device at a CNG station
Liang Zhen;Li Shuangshuang;Tian Jialin;Zhu Xiaohua;Zhang Liwen;Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Equipments;Ministry of Education//Southwest Petroleum University;Sales Division of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co.;Ltd.;PetroChina;
Regulation and oversight of the venting and leaking of methane in the natural gas development:A comparative study
Hou Jiaru;Zeng Yuanyuan;Environmental Law Institute of China University of Political Science and Law;School of Law;Renmin University of China;
Safety risk analysis of gas injection and recovery wells in the Xiangguosi Gas Storage and countermeasures
Liu Kun;He Na;Zhang Yi;Xu Feng;Wang Yao;Safety;Environment and Technology Supervision Research Institute of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;Natural Gas Research Institute of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
Quasi-static analysis of the dynamic effect of a jack-up rig’s work load during safe drilling operation
Yan Bo;Song Linsong;Hu Minglan;CNOOC Oilfield Services Limited;
The upcoming bio-natural gas in China:A strategic emerging industry
Cheng Xu;Cui Zongjun;Zhu Wanbin;Biomass Engineering Center of China Agricultural University;