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Natural Gas Industry
2013 Issue 12
Overview of pipeline integrity management application over the past decade and its prospect in future in China
Huang Weihe;Zheng Honglong;Wu Zhongliang;PetroChina Co.;Ltd.;PetroChina Pipeline R & D Center;PetroChina Natural Gas & Pipeline Company;
A dynamic model of marine risers/pipes under the drilling operation condition and sea environment
Liu Qingyou;Zhou Shouwei;Jiang Wei;Liu Jun;Yang Xiufu;Wang Guorong;Southwest Petroleum University;CNOOC Co.;Ltd.;
Shale gas exploration and appraisal in China:Problems and discussion
Wang Shiqian;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
Forming conditions of shale gas(oil)plays in the Lower Jurassic Da′anzhai member in the eastern Sichuan Basin
Zheng Rongcai;He Long;Liang Xiwen;Xu Wenli;State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation∥Chengdu University of Technology;Exploration & Development Research Institute of Jianghan Oilfield Company;Sinopec;
Favorable reservoir characteristics of the Longmaxi shale in the southern Sichuan Basin and their influencing factors
Pu Boling;Dong Dazhong;Er Chuang;Wang Yuman;Huang Jinliang;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;PetroChina;CNPC Research Institute of Science and Technology;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Xi′an Shiyou University;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;
A comprehensive evaluation methodology of shale brittleness: A case study from the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Fm in Block W,Sichuan Basin
Wang Peng;Ji Youliang;Pan Renfang;Wang Zhizhang;Wu Yuan;State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting∥China University of Petroleum;Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources;Ministry of Education∥Yangtze University;Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources;Ministry of Edu- cation∥Yangtze University;
Application of a grey target decision model based on interval numbers of geological parameters to optimize shale gas exploration and development target zones
Liang Bing;Dai Yuanyuan;Chen Tianyu;Sun Weiji;Qin Bing;Department of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences;China University of Liaoning Technical University;College of Resources and Civil Engineering;Northeastern University;
An industrial prospect of shale gas depends on reservoirs
Cui Yongqiang;Zhang Yuwei;Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
A modified material balance equation for shale gas reservoirs and a calculation method of shale gas reserves
Zhang Liehui;Chen Guo;Zhao Yulong;Liu Qifen;Zhang Hecheng;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;No.2 Oil Production Plant;Huabei Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Water absorption characteristics of gas shale and the fracturing fluid flowback capacity
Gao Shusheng;Hu Zhiming;Guo Wei;Zuo Luo;Shen Rui;College of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum;Langfang Branch Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;PetroChina;
Seepage behavior and well testing in horizontal shale gas wells under multi-stage fracking
Liu Xiaoxu;Yang Xuefeng;Chen Yuanlin;Wu Jianfa;Feng Xi;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company;PetroChina;Exploration Division of Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
An optimal design of multi-stage fracking for horizontal shale gas wells: A case study from the western Sichuan Basin
Guo Jianchun;Liang Hao;Zhao Zhihong;Wang Xingwen;Lin Lishi;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;Engineering Technology Institute of Southwest Oil &Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
Initiation pressure of multi-stage fracking for perforated horizontal wells of shale gas reservoirs
Guo Tiankui;Zhang Shicheng;Liu Weilai;Lai Wenxu;College of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum;China University of Petroleum;No.2 Oil Production Plant of Huabei Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Bit feed principles and technologies in slide-drilling directional wells
Li Zifeng;Yang Haibin;Xu Chuntian;Chen Xiaoyuan;Liu Xiaoxia;Petroleum Engineering Institute of Yanshan University;Drilling Department of Jiangsu Petroleum Exploration Bureau;
Damage evaluation of oil-based drill-in fluids to shale reservoirs
Kang Yili;Yang Bin;You Lijun;Chen Qiang;Yu Yangfeng;State Key Laboratory of Oil &Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation//Southwest Petroleum University;
Impact of unconventional oil and gas exploitation on fracturing equipment and materials development
Hou Lei;Sun Baojiang;Li Yun;Du Qingjie;Yan Linlin;College of Petroleum Engineering;China University of Petroleum;Downhole Operation Department of Shengli Oilfield Company;Sinopec;
Quality evaluation for oil and gas pipeline risk assessment
Yao Anlin;Zhao Zhonggang;Zhang Jinwei;School of Petroleum Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;CNPC Pipeline Research Institute;
Integrity management of oil &gas transmission stations and the related core technologies
Dong Shaohua;Han Zhongchen;Fei Fan;Cao Xing;An Yu;PetroChina Natural Gas Pipeline Co.;Ltd.;
fa gai wei : mei gai qi xu xian luo shi qi yuan
tian gong ;
Integrity management practices in the West-to-East Natural Gas Pipelines and their competence appraisal
Yao Huiquan;Mao Jian;Wu Zhiping;Zhang Zhaoxu;Zhao Dongye;PetroChina West-to-East Gas Pipeline Company;PetroChina Natural Gas Pipeline Company;
Efficiency appraisal of oil &gas pipeline integrity management
Wu Zhiping;Jiang Hongye;Li Youlü;Chen Cichang;PetroChina Natural Gas Pipeline Co.;Ltd.;School of Petroleum Engineer- ing;Southwest Petroleum University;
Environmental and safety risk management of oil and gas pipelines in their full life cycle
Fu Jianhua;Wang Yihui;Li Youlü;Lei Yu;Jiang Rong;HSE and Technical Supervision Research Institute of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;School of Petroleum Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;
bei jing shou ge ying ji chu bei qi ku tou yong
tian gong ;
Application of 3D GIS to pipeline integrity management
Cai Baisong;Wang Jiankang;Sinopec Sichuan-to-East China Gas Transmission Branch;Beijing Ruicheng Technology Co.;Ltd.;
A safety monitoring and early-warning system for buried pipelines crossing seismic fault belts
Huang Jianzhong;Yang Yonghe;Liu Wei;Zhang Zhaoxu;Xi Sha;Beijing Ke Li Hua An Geological Disaster Monitoring Technology Co.;Ltd.;West Branch of Oil Pipeline United Co.Ltd.;PetroChina West-to-East Gas Pipeline Company;
Status quo of fracturing flowback fluids treatment technologies of US shale gas wells and its enlightenment for China
Liu Wenshi;Liao Shimeng;Xiang Qigui;Zhai Shengjia;Weng Banghua;HSE and Technical Supervision Research Institute of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;Southwest Oil & Gafield Company;PetroChina;Appraisal Center for Environment &Engineering;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Cost determination and control of factory-like operations of shale gas horizontal wells
Si Guang;Lin Haobin;Ding Danhong;Liu Hai;Li Gao;Langfang Branch of CNPC Engineering Cost Management Center;Project Budget Management Department of Qinghai Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;Project Cost Control Management Department of Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company;PetroChina;
A new safety distance calculation model of vertical jet fires based on sub-regions and multi-point sources
Chen Guohua;Huang Tingfeng;Liang Dong;Institute of Safety Science & Engineering;South China University of Technology;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Fire Science and Technology;Sun Yat-sen University;
A large-scale three-dimensional device for simulating natural gas hydrates accumulation and distribution process in sediments
Su Kehua;Sun Changyu;Li Nan;Zhong Xiaoyu;Chen Guangjin;Sinopec Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing∥China University of Petroleum;