Gaseous Loss of Nitrogen from Fertilizers Applied to a Paddy Soil in Southeastern China
CAI GUI-XIN;YANG NAN-CHANG;LU WAN-FANG;CHEN WEI;XIA BAI-QI;WANG XIAN-ZHONG and ZHU ZHAO-LIANGLMCP;Institute of Soil Science;A cademia Sinica;P. O. Box 821. Nanjing 210008 Institute of Soil and Fertilizer;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing 100081 China National Rice Research Institute;Hangzhou 310006 Shanghai Institute of Chemical Industry. Shanghai 200062
Adsorption of Phosphate on Variable Charge Soils
HU GUO-SONG;ZHU ZU-XIANG and YUAN KE-NENGInstitute of Soil Science;A cademia Sinica. P. O. Box 821;Nanjing 210008 Department of Sell and Agricultural Chemistry;Zhejiang Agricultural University;Hangzhou 310029