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Railway Engineering Cost Management
2015 Issue 4
The Dependence and Impact Analysis to Quota of Bill Valuation
li ming hua ;, xu xiao hui ;
The Virtualization for Traditional Data Center Network
li yuan jia ;
Thinking of the Improvement on Carrying Capacity of Hengliu Line Qingliu Section
zhong chao wen ;, fang zhong mao ;
Improvement of YT-2CE Parking Support Head
pan long jie ;
Research Of ACP1000 measurement software based on PDMS 3d model platform
han zhao xing ;, zhao yang ;, song meng yan ;, wang fang ;
xi la jiao tong sui dao gong cheng jian she cheng ben ping gu yan jiu
chrysothemis paraskevopoulou;,andreas benardos;, wu liu zhong qiu ;
The Engineering Quota Determination Method and Application of Pipe Jacking Pipe-curtain Method of Gongbei Tunnel
wu chu yu ;, ji xiao ming ;, lin si neng ;, lv wei ;