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Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
2008 Issue 2
The Significance and Strategy in Legal Protect of Immaterial Assets in Sport
YU Shanxu;MA Fachao;YAN Chengdong
The Value Approval and Demand Variation to Traditional Sports Culture in Modem Development of National Minority Village
ZHANG Xiaolin;BAI Jinxiang;LIU Shaoying;LONG Peiling
The Operating Mechanism of NBA Policy
WANG Jianguo
The Standardization of TTM Theory Scale in the Field of Physical Exercise
The New Thought on Athlete Physical Fitness Training: Core Stability Training
YU Hongyan;LI Jingyong;ZHANG Chunhe;ZHOU Yu
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Body Processing
LI Xiaodong;ZHANG Liwei
Analysis of Concept of Constitution in Context of Health
YU Tao;WEI Piyong
The Value of the Leisure Sports
ZHANG Guangling;WANG Junqi
The Misuse of SCL-90 in the Field of Exercise in China
GAO Xu;MAO Zhixion;HUO Xin
Effect of Athletic Games in Curing Children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction
DENG Bangtong;TAN Hua;LI Xingming;KONG Fanming
Social Exclusion and Deficiencies of Sports Rights to Speak of Migrant Workers
ZHANG Shiwei;SONG Chenggang
Running Ability during the Match of China National Women Football Players
SUN Tiehuan;LIU Dan;CAO Xiaodong;GUO Qifei