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Journal of Tianjin Polytechnic University
2008 Issue 1
Key techniques of women fur clothing based on made to measure
ZHANG Zhong-qi;ZHANG Xin;LIU Shu-yun
Research on a biosensor for blood analysis based on μTAS and measuring apparatus
TONG Zheng-rong;LIU Jie;ZHANG Cheng;EN De;LI Chao;CHEN Cai-he
Natural color image segmentation based on edge detection and region growing
WENG Xiu-mei;XIAO Zhi-tao;YANG Hong-wei
Image segmentation based on watershed and fuzzy C-means clustering
YANG Hong-wei;XIAO Zhi-tao;WENG Xiu-mei
Design of access control system based on network
RONG Feng;LI Yan-feng
Design of automatic tablet counting system based on computer vision
CUI Jia;WANG Jian-ming;WANG Xing-go;XING Juan
Application of Hough transform in detection of circuit board
XING Juan;WANG Jian-ming;WANG Xing-bo;CUI Jia
Development of document tracing system in scientific research management
ZHAO Hai-jun;LI Xin;YANG Bing-ru
Genetic algorithm and neural network for solution of VRP
WEI Guo-li;WANG Peng-tao;WU Jing
Design and implement of E-Learning system of mechanical teaching
XI Tao;WANG Xue-bin;WANG Li-jing
Application of covariance analysis in assessing teachers' teaching quality
LIU Xie-hui;FAN Shun-hou
ke yan jian ding 3 ze
Study of rheological behavior of Poly (trimethylene-co-butylene terephthalate) copolyesters
ZOU Han-tao;XU Wei-lin;LI Guang;JIANG Jian-ming
Preparation of polysuffone substrate membrane for mid-low pressure RO hollow fiber composite membranes
QI Li-huan;AN Shu-lin;QIU Da-peng;LU Jia-nan
Study of solubility properties of ionic liquids to PAN
ZHENG Wei;CHENG Bo-wen;ZANG Hong-jun;LIU Bao-you
Evaluation of different pore membrane water purification
RONG Yong-xin;DAI Hai-ping
Application of "double-membrane method" in purification of acrylamide by microbial method
GUO Zhen-you;ZHANG Li-zhong;WANG Hai-tao;FENG Xiao-qiang
Discussion on Lithium-bromide absorption chiller applied in air conditioning system for textile mill
LI Xin-yu;JIN Xing;XIAO Shu-wang;CHEN Jie;FANG Gui-zhen
Pattern design of women's clothing collar
WU Jun;CAI Yang-yong
Setting up of mathematical model for pattern design of upper outer service uniform for men
GAO Guang-ming;XU Qing-qing;YANG Ting-xin