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Journal of Tongji University(Natural Science)
2006 Issue 10
Fracture of the Solid Film in Thin Solid Film-Liquid Film-Substrate Structure
HE Pengfei;GU Yili;ZHENG Bailin
The Expression of Prime p(p≡1(mod4)) and (Q((√)p)=1)
LU Hongwen;FEI Ben
On Pluriharmonic Maps into Symplectic Groups and Factorization Theorems
HE Qun;CHENG Cheng
MR Dampers-Based Semi-Active Control Strategy of Cable-Stayed Vibration
WU Zhehua;LOU Wenjuan;CHEN Yong;ZHU Yaohong
XML-Based Document Generation System of Bridge Seismic Design
CHEN Ming;HU Shide
Analytical Solution for Geometric Nonlinearity of Compression Bars Considering P-Δ Effect
LI Wei;ZHU Cimian;HU Xiaoyi
Oligocene Mineral Component Inversion Based on Geophysical Well Logs from ODP Hole 1148A, South China Sea
ZHONG Guangfa;LI Qianyu;CHEN Qiang;MA Zaitian
Origin-Independent Nearest Feature Classifiers and Its Application to Human Face Recognition
GU Yangbo;WU Yan;WANG Shoujue;ZHU Junbo
A Speech Enhancement Method Based on Morphology
ZHAO Xiaoqun;WANG Jin
Research on Mechanism of Defect Automobile Product Recall
ZHENG Guohui
Research on Sample Size Selection of Pavement Management System
YUAN Jun;SUN Lijun
An Application of Residual Shortest Route Algorithm in Traffic OD Survey
ZHANG Xiaoning;LIN Hangfei;CHEN Xiaohong;LIU Miao
Effect of Water Content on Emulsion Mixture
ZHOU Haisheng;CAO Weidong;SUN Daquan;L(U) Xiaoxi
Study on Gradation and Performance of Gravel Stone Asphalt Mixture
QIU Yingfeng;XU Zhihong
Mixture Ratio Design Method of Porous Concrete Based on Orthogonality Test
ZHENG Mulian;CHEN Shuanfa;WANG Binggang
Unification of Core Design Theories for Asphalt Pavements
SUN Lijun;LIU Liping
Technical and Economic Analysis of Deep Well Water Source Heat Pump System
FU Yunzhun;LIN Bao;ZHANG Xu
Restoration and Improvement Research of Jintang Bridge Opening System
XI Ying;SONG Musheng;CHEN Hua;ZHANG Bing'an
Test Research on Impact Power of Large Air Punch
QIAN Hua;LU Minxun;XU Baofu;CHENG Hong
Car-body-in-white Process Planning System Based on eM-Carbody
XIAO Huiiang;LIU Haijiang
Application Study on Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Mining
LI Xiong;XU Dimin;ZHAO Youcai;NIU Dongjie
Characteristics of Aged Refuse in Closed Refuse Landfill in Shanghai
ZHAO Youcai;CHAI Xiaoli;NIU Dongjie