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Sport Science And Technology
2004 Issue 3
On Students' Bad Behaviors in Physical Education
zuo yong li ; huang wei
Research the New "Syllabus" and Turn to New Courses
Huang Jialian
How to Develop Students' Subjective Roles in University P.E. Course
ren zhen gang ; you zuo fa
Technical Analysis on 110-metre Hurdle
Wei Guanghui
On the Speed and Physical Strength Training of Med-length Racers
chen wen sheng ; zhang jian xin
An Analysis on the Technical Elements of Men's 110m Hurdles
liang shao xiong ; guo qiang
A Research on Stimulating Sports Consumption Demands
xu zuo cheng ; xu
The Reform in P.E. Teaching in the New Situation
mo dong li ; wei bi shan ; wei jing fu
The Reform of College P.E. Courses Embodies Humanity and Marketing
yang xiang ; liu chun guang
The Role of School P.E. in Quality Education
cao yu ; wei xu qiang
The Realization of Guangxi Sports Information System Under Distribution Environment
zhang hai ; nong cheng ; gu lin ; liao qing huan ; quan bing feng
The Inquiry of Leisure and Leisure P.E.
Wu Fengying
The Study of Dietetics about Vitamin
Xu Ling