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Journal of Tianjin University(Social Sciences)
2000 Issue 2
Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreign Language Teaching
zhou ke rong ; fang lan ; xie ya qin ; li ying
To Approach the Undisclosed Agency in China
xu jian
Strategy for Marketing Management in the Epoch of Knowledge Economy
zhang feng shan ; dong su sheng ; wang bo
Problems of Building the Payment System of Electronic Business in China
li han dong ; zhang shi ying
Effect and Counter-Measures of Transnational Companies Purchase
zhang jian xin
Knowledge Economy Age and the Strategic Choice of Big Science
wang zhong wu
Modal Adverbs Like Bijing and Presupposition
gao shu gui
On Jewish Humour in Bernard Malamud's Novels
tang wei ; zhang guan jun
Genuine Meanings of the West Hunan Dialectal Words in SHEN Cong-wen's Works(Ⅵ)
liu zhuang li ; liu zhuang zuo
On the Image of Juansheng in LU Xun's Story 〈Shang Shi〉
zhang chun sheng