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Journal of Railway Engineering Society
2011 Issue 4
Research on the Electric Efficiency Evaluation of Subway Station Lighting System
xin xi dong tai
Study on Evaluation and Test of Road Base of Existing Railway
ZHAO Feng-lin;ZHANG Jian
Analysis of Soft Rock Deformation of Tianpingshan Tunnel of GuiyangGuangzhou Railway
FU Kai-long;CAI Jia-peng;FENG Tao
Alternative Study on Gas Extinguishing Systems for an Underground Transportation Junction Terminal
LIU Xue-zhi;LAN Ting-ting;LIU Lu;GENG Guang-jin
Application of Geophysical Prospecting in Geothermic Survey for Railway Tunnel
LI Jian;LUO Shi-Min;YU Nian
Optimal Model of Passenger Trains Departure Time Range with Least Passenger Train Stock Number
ZHANG Yu-zhao;ZHANG Hong-Wei;WEN Juan-juan