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Journal of Shenzhen University(Science & Engineering)
2011 Issue 4
Automatic diagram calculation method and its applications for the fluctuations of conductance
WAN Lang-hui;YU Yun-jin;WEI Ya-dong
Renovation of ecological landscape of waterfront
Grey prediction of Cd, Hg pollution risk in Songhua Lake sediments
ZHAO Yu-yan;LU Ji-long;HAO Li-bo;SUN Li-ji
A self-adaptive algorithm for the problem of catalog segmentation based on FP-tree
LU Nan;DU Wen-feng;LIANG Zheng-ping
Weathering regularities of diamondoids and their applications to oil source identification
HAN Bin;CAO Lei;ZHENG Li;LI Jing-xi;WANG Xiao-ru
An X-ray tube of high radiation flux and spatial coherence
GUO Jin-chuan;ZHOU Bin;LIU Xin;REN Xi-kui;NIU Han-ben
Displacement characteristics analysis of bacterial microscopic profile control in reservoir
LIU Bao-lei;DONG Han-ping;YU Li;YANG Ling
Design proposal of a Fourier telescopy transmitter for moving objects in low earth orbit
LUO Xiu-juan;MA Cai-wen;ZHANG Yu;SI Qing-dan
A dual-frequency orthogonal-bi-polarization laser cavity based on a photonic crystal
OUYANG Zheng-biao;CAO En-wen;LI Cheng-kuan
High-speed random number generation based on wideband chaotic laser
ZHANG Jian-zhong;LI Pu;ZHANG Ying-ying;CHEN Sha-sha;WANG Yun-cai
Photonic crystal fiber supercontinuum source
RUAN Shuang-chen;YAN Pei-guang;GUO Chun-yu;WEI Hui-feng
A novel STI1-like protein from Physarum polycephalum can enhance E.coli response to stress
LIU Shi-de;CHEN Han-ying;ZHANG Jian-hua;TIAN Sheng-li;LI Shui-Ming;LI Hui-li;LI Ming-hua;XING Miao
Gamma-radiation induced effects on Erbium-doped photonic crystal fiber in superfluorescent source
LIU Cheng-xiang;WU Xu;ZHANG Li;YE Zhen-hua
The maximum entropy principle for radiation fields
GU Qiao