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Business Economics and Administration
1999 Issue 4
xian dai qi ye cai wu fen xi tan tao
lin ping
On the Competition in International Tourism
li jie ; zhao xi ping
To Seek Development in Assets Regroup--Comments on 98 Annual Report of Commercial Public Corporations
han de zong ; chen jing ; sheng jian ping
Experience and Thoughts on Japanese Limu Agricultural Association and Economic Company
shen tu bu sheng ; zhou ke liang ; feng quan lin
lue lun jian zhu qi ye jing ying jue ce
wu pin gao
zhi zao cheng ben fa cun zai de wen ti yu dui ce
zhang wen wang
shang ye yin xing nei kong zhi du de wai bu xie diao ji yue shu
wang shun ; kang shu sheng
zhong guo dian zi shang wu fa zhan de chu bu si kao
liu quan li
lun xiao fei xu qiu bu zu de cheng yin ji qi xiao fei zheng ce diao zheng
shen yuan ; li xiao jin
Regrouping of the Process of Commercial Enterprises and IS/IT
wang guang ming
lun ti gao liu tong chan ye guo ji jing zheng li
fan bo hai
Viewpoints on Consumtion
hu shao wei