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Petro-Chemical Equipment
2005 Issue 3
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Leakage reason analysis of plate-shell hear exchanger and it's improvement
SHI Jun-jie;HUANG Wei-dong
Fracture analysis of bolt in compressed rich gas cooler
CHEN Xing-hu;QIAN Yi-gang;SHI Yong-jiang
Leakage of flash trough and it's improvement
DAI Dong-liang;LIU Hui-Jie
Leakage reason of the tube bundle in sulfur condenser and it's precaution
DENG Ze-hu;SU Guo-zhu
Capacity expansion and technical reconstruction of rich gas compressor set in coking unit
WEI Li-dong;CHAI Lian-man;LI Feng
Cracking analysis on hot formed stainless steel elliptical head
LIANG Fang-jie
Discussion on steel structure of supported cone roof in storage tank
XIAN Chao-zuo;LI Jing-qi
MAG welding for 12Ni14 low temperature steel heat exchanger
HAN Guo-li;MA Li
Fabricating procedure of the thread lock heat exchanger
Experimental study on external-cycling solid-liquid fluidized bed heat exchanger
HAN Guo-jun;ZHAO Zhen-wen;ZHOU Kun-ying;CHEN Han
Research on fault tree analysis of alkyl benzene heater
TAO Wen-liang;Wang Wan
Research on the susceptivity to welding cold crack of NK-HITEN 610U2L steel
TAN Xiao-yong;XU-hong;WANG Qiong-qi;HOU Feng;QI Xue-gui;WANG Xue-sheng
The temper embrittlement prediction of hydrogenation reactor material
ZHOU Chang-yu;ZHAO Tao;SUN Yu
Application of large welded plate heat exchangers in reformer
ZHAO Jian-Chun;WANG Zhi-kun;ZHANG Xin;LI Zhan-Cun;NAN Xiao-zhong
Application of two phase flow model in the calculation of relief area
WANG Li-ming;WANG Shu-lan;DING Xin-wei;ZHU Yong-jiang
Applications of PTFE and its composite materials in heat exchangers
WANG Chun-fen;YU Bin;TU Shan-dong
Fracture of adhesively bonded joints and discussion of relative fracture criterions
XU Xiu-zhu;TU Shan-dong;XU Si-hao
Heat transfer rule equation linear regression for heat exchangers
WEI Li-wan;LI Su;ZHAO Liang
Quick calculation of the heat insulator in adiabatic project
ZHANG Jian-xun
Study on the problem of setting skirt length of elliptical-head
WANG Zhi-bin;CHEN Wen-mei;CHU Liang-yin;WANG Sheng-gui
Safety assessment of high pressure vapor-bag with large scale thin walls area
HUI Hu;HUANG Zhen-hai;LIU Chang-jun;CUI Hai-bing
Study on performance of glass microballoon filled PTFE sealing materials
ZHANG Wen-Ju;AN Yuan-sheng;WU Di-fei