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Journal of Mathematics
1981 Issue 2
On 2—DimensionaI Riesz Transforms
Ding Xiaxi Luo Peizhu
A Survey of the budding nonlinear theory of distrbutions
Chen Ching-yih Hwazhong Institute of Technology Lanzhou Univ
On the Model of Random Fields in the Metric Space
Hu Dihe
The Frame of Additive Functions
Xia Ming-yuan
zui duan lu de hu suan fa de dai shu zheng ming
qin yu zuo ;
xiao janko qun j1 de huan wei yuan
li jiong sheng ;
yuan shu deng yu ling yin zi ge shu de ping fang de huan
tan ji wei ; qiu zuo zhang ;
chu shi wei yi de euclid huan de gou zao
zheng yu mei ;
Generalization of Smirnov’s theroem
Liu Huai-Jun
Difference operation and its inverse operation
Lee Kwok-ping Chen Yintong Liu Huaijun