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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
2013 Issue 5
Hochschild Cohomology of Galois Coverings of Quantum Exterior Algebras
Jinmei FAN;Bo HOU;College of Science;Guilin University of Technology;School of Mathematics and Information Science;Henan University;
Positive Solutions of Singular Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value Problems with Positive Green Function
Qingliu YAO;Department of Applied Mathematics;Nanjing University of Finance and Economics;
Cycles Containing a Subset of a Given Set of Elements in Cubic Graphs
Sheng BAU;School of Mathematics;University of the Witwatersrand;Institute of Discrete Mathematics;Inner Mongolia University of Nationalities;
Congruences on Orthodox Semirings Whose Additive Idempotents Satisfy Permutation Identities
Shiju PAN;Yuanlan ZHOU;Ziqiang CHENG;Department of Mathematics;Jiangxi Normal University;
Characterization of (c)-Riordan Arrays, Gegenbauer-Humbert-Type Polynomial Sequences, and (c)-Bell Polynomials
Henry W. GOULD;Tianxiao HE;Department of Mathematics;West Virginia University;Department of Mathematics;Illinois Wesleyan University;
The Fixed Point and Mann Iteration of a Modified Isotonic Operator
Liping WANG;Zuoliang XU;School of Information;Renmin University of China;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Hebei Normal University;
On Pairwise Semi-Stratifiable Spaces
Kedian LI;Fucai LIN;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Minnan Normal University;
Eigenvalue Estimates for Complete Submanifolds in the Hyperbolic Spaces
Haiping FU;Yongqian TAO;Department of Mathematics;Nanchang University;
Product Zero Derivations on Strictly Upper Triangular Matrix Lie Algebras
Zhengxin CHEN;Liling GUO;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Fujian Normal University;
Majorization Properties for Certain Classes of Analytic Functions Involving a Generalized Diferential Operator
Huo TANG;Guantie DENG;Shuhai LI;School of Mathematical Sciences;Beijing Normal University;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Chifeng University;
Brownian Stochastic Current: White Noise Approach
Jingjun GUO;Jing TIAN;School of Statistics;Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics;Research Center of Quantitative Analysis of Gansu Economic Development;Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics;
The Uniqueness of Skeleton Presentation of Complete Bipartite Graph Km,n
Lin XIAO;Guangyan SHEN;Bin LI;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Northeast Normal University;