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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
2007 Issue 1
Study on Jacob Bernoulli's Art of Conjecturing
Xu Chuan-sheng
Some Functions on Bounded Lattices and Several Semi-Groups
YANG An-zhou
On F-S-Supplemented Subgroups
Li Chang-wen;Guo Wen-bin
Global Convergence of Similar Quasi-Newton Method for Nonconvex Unconstrained Optimization Problems
CHEN Lan-ping;JIA Bao-cong;WANG Wan-liang
Remarks on Rectilinear Congruences in the Minkowski 3-Space
HOU Zhong-hua;SUN Li-ping
Boundedness of Commutators of Generalized Calderón-Zygmund Operators
ZHAO Kai;MA Li-min;ZHOU Shu-juan
Some Sufficient Conditions to Quasi-Convex Functions
XU Ya-shan
On Strongly Clean General Rings
WANG Zhou;CHEN Jian-long
Self-Converse Mendelsohn Designs with Odd Prime Block Size
SUN Qiu-jie
On Perfect Neighborhood and Irredundant Sets in Trees
On Signed Edge Domination of Graphs
XU Bao-gen
On Jackson Estimate for Müntz Rational Approximation in Lp[0,1] Spaces
YU Dan-sheng;ZHOU Song-ping
Multivariate Vector-valued Wavelet Packets Associated with the Dilation Matrix
CHEN Qing-jiang;CHENG Zheng-xing;LI Xue-zhi
Properties of Generalized Bott-Duffin Inverse and Weighted Drazin Inverse
CAO Li-qiong;CHEN Guo-liang
A Note on Arithmetic Functionσ(n)
SHEN Zhong-hua;YU Xiu-yuan
A Note on the Numbers of Nonzero Entries of Maximal S2NS Matrices
YOU Li-hua;SHAO Jia-yu
Inclusion Measures of Convex Bodies
XIONG Ge;NI Jian-hua;RUAN Zheng-qian