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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
2006 Issue 1
On the Landau Inequality
A class of Geometric Inequalities in Spherical Space
ZHANG Han-fang
Upper Bound of L(0,1,2 d,d,1)-Labeling Number of a Class of Fissile Graphs
GAO Min-gang;LIU Jia-zhuang
The Molecular Characterization of Weighted Herz Type Hardy Spaces
ZHAO Kai;ZHOU Shu-juan;MA Li-min
Existence of Front Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion Equation
ZHANG Jian-ming
First Order Linear Advanced Differential Inequalities
GAO Jian-ming;GAO Guo-zhu
Weak Global Dimension of Smash Products of Hopf Algebras
WANG Zhi-xi;ZHAO Hui
On a Relationship between Pascal Matrix and Vandermonde Matrix
YANG Sheng-liang;YOU Hong
Generalized IP-Injective Rings
MAO Li-xin;TONG Wen-ting
A Note on Vanishing Mean Oscillation
YANG Wei;WANG Jie;LIU Yu-tang
Orthogonal Laurent Polynomials and Their Zeros
ZHOU Heng;WANG Ren-hong
The Sp Property of a kind of Hankel Operators and Toeplitz Operators
ZHANG Cheng-guo;YAO Zu-xi
Deformation Retraction of Groups and Toeplitz Algebras
XU Qing-xiang
Limit Cycle Problem of Quadratic System ( Ⅲ )n=0
LU Bing-xin;LUO Ding-jun
Baer and Quasi-Baer Rings of Iterated Skew Polynomial Rings
SONG Jun-quan
The Homological Dimensions of Some Morita Contexts
OUYANG Lun-qun
Base and Subbase in I-Fuzzy Topological Spaces
FANG Jin-ming;YUE Yue-li
Fuzzifying Topological Linear Spaces Based on Continuous-Valued logic
ZHANG Guang-ji;ZOU Kai-qi;ZHANG Cheng
Properties of Fuzzy M-Semigroups with t-Norms
ZHAN Jian-ming;TAN Zhi-song
Decompositions of Complete Graph into (2k-1)-Circles with One Chord
SHAN Xiu-ling;KANG Qing-de
An Interpolation Theorem for Near-Triangulations
REN Han;DENG Mo;LIU Yan-pei
An Equality for Trace of Matrix over a Generalized Quaternion Algebra
CHENG Shi-zhen;TIAN Yong-ge