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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
2003 Issue 2
Some Remarks for Discrete Versions of Nodal Domain Theorems
li yao tang ; guan li
On the Existence of Limit Cycles for a Class of Nonlinear Differential Systems
liu bing wen ; xiong wan min
A Reexamination on the Problem of Advanced Response
tan tian rong
Optimization Algorithm of Storage Problems
li min
Factorizations of Completely Positive Matrices over Integers
xu chang qing
The Self-Conjugate Solutions of Quaternion Matrix Equation
cao wen sheng
Hsu-Riordan Array/Partial Monoid
yin dong sheng
A Formula Containing Four Independent Bases and Its Applications
zhang yu sen ; wang tian ming
On the Adjacent Strong Edge Coloring of Halin Graphs
liu lin zhong ; li yin zhen ; zhang zhong fu ; wang jian fang
A Partial Approximation Shepard Method Based on Cardinal Spline About Messy Data
nie hui ; zeng long ; luo xiao nan
Multivariate Vector Valued Salzer's Theorem
chen zhi bing
The f-width in Locally Convex Spaces
song wen hua ; liu guo fen ; hao ming xian
A Note on AP-Injective Rings
xiao guang shi ; yin xiao bin ; zuo wen ting
C∞ Compactness for Minimal Submanifolds in the Unit Sphere
xu sen lin ; mei jia qiang
On the Sign Pattern Matrices with Nonpositive k-power
gao yu bin ; shao yan ling
Maximal Below Subgroups of a Lattice-Ordered Group
lv xin min
A Sufficient Condition for Liénard's Equation Existing at Most n Limit Cycles
chen xiu dong ; chen yong
Spline Solution of Self-Conjugate Elliptic Equations
ke yun quan
Travelling Wave Solutions of a Generalized Fisher Equation
kang dong sheng ; lu gang
A Note on Weak Drop Property for Bounded Closed Convex Sets
zhang zi hou
The Properties of Complex Harmonic Functions on Infinity
yang shuo
Deformation Preserving Principal Curvatrue of Surfaces in R31
wang xiao ping ; zhou ru rong ; ye zheng zuo
Equivariant Characteristic Forms and Their Integral Formulas
mei xiang ming
Global Attractivity in a Delay Difference Equation
li xian yi ; zhu de ming