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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
2001 Issue 3
Minkowski Inequality over Complex Positive Difinite Matrix
yuan zuo ping
An Extension and a Correction Concerning Raney's Lemma
YIN Dong-sheng
Positive Chaos on Symbolic Space and Inverse Limit Space
li ming jun ; li kai tai
Semigroup Properties for a Class of Linear Damped Elastic System
huang yong zhong ; guo fa ming
Nilpotent Polynomials of Prime GPI-Rings
you song fa
The Rate of Lp Convergence of the Grünwald Process
xu gui qiao ; liu yong ping
Pointwise Approximation by Baskakov-Durrmeyer OperatorGrünwald
guo shun sheng ; song zhan jie
The Characterization of Some of Function Spaces
qiu dao wen
A Closed Graph Theorem for Semi-Reflexive Spaces
qiu jing hui
An "Errors-in-Variables” Straight Line Model in a High-Dimentional Space
wu ke fa ; ma jun ling
Combinatorial and Statistical Applications of Generalized Stirling Numbers
R.B.Corcino;Leetsch Charles Hsu;E.L.Tan
The Asymptotic Behavior of a Class of Second Order Differential Equation
FENG Zhao-sheng;WANG Xiao-hui;LI Jin-cheng
Exponential Attractors for the Ginzburg-Landau-BBM Equations
DAI Zheng-de;JIANG Mu-rong
On the Flatness and Injectivity of Dual Modules (Ⅱ)
HUANG Zhao-yong;TANG Jin-yu
Rigidity Theorems for Hypersurfaces in Real Space Form
CHA O Xiao-li
Several Derivatives of Adjoined Distributions
CHENG Lin-zhi
Convergence Rates for Sums of Non-identically Distributed Random Elements
LIANG Han-ying;REN Yao-feng