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Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition
1999 Issue 1
Reviews of "Frames and Continuous Lattices"
Wang Guojun;Zhao Dongsheng
Characterizing wsr1 Condition by Completions of Diagrams
Wu Tongsuo
Resultant Algorithm for the Intersection Points of Piecewise Algebraic Curves
Wang Wenju;Wang Renhong;Liu Xiuping
A Note on the Radicals of Group Rings of Graded Rings
Tie Jun
Derivations of Atomic Boolean Lattice Algebras
Xu Benlong;Ma Jipu
Exact Sequenes in Categories ()△
Jiang Shengyuan
Spread Angle Theorem in En and Its Application
Zhang Hanfang
Resonance Theorem on a Famaily of α-Convex Functionals
Liu Jia;Luo Yuehu
Nonlinear Generalized Weighted Approximation
Yang Wenshan
A Generalization of KKM Theorem
Zhang Xian
On Twisted Atiyah-Singer Operators (I)
Zhou Jianwei
A Remark on Ciarlet-Raviart Mixed Finite Element Method
Yang Yidu;Shih Tsi-Min;Liem Chin-Bo
A Class of Oscillatory Singular Integrals
Le Fulong;Hu Guoen
A Generalization of (0,M) Interpolation
Sun Xiehua