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Journal of Mathematical Study
2004 Issue 3
Fractional Factors of Graphs with Prescribed Properties
zhou si zhong
On The Ring of Block Circulant Matrices over A Ring
xian feng
Products of Three Triangular Matrices Over Rings with Stable Rang One
ning qun ; song guang tian
Linear Maps Preserving Tripotent Matrices over Fields
cao zhong guang ; chen tao
Small Finite Graded Projective Dimension gr.fp.dimR of Gr-Coherent Rings
zhao ju tao ; huang ji hong
Strong Chain Recurrent Sets and Strong Shadowing Property
zhao jun ling
Composition Operators From Qp Spaces To Qp,0 Spaces
li song xiao
The Strong McShane Integral of Banach-valued functions defined on Rm
ye guo ju ; li bing yi
Algebraic Constructions and Applications in Ramsey Theory
bai lu feng ; li yu sheng ; xu zhi qiang
Positive Solutions for Impulsive Differential Equations
li jian li ; shen jian hua