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Journal of Mathematical Study
2003 Issue 3
The Rank of Quaternion Vector and Matrix
lian de zhong
Two Optimal Linear Prediction in the Growth Curve Model
jiang chun fu ; su heng yan
On the 1-sequentially Quotient Mappings
gu jian sheng
CS-π Images of Metric Spaces
yan peng fei
A Kind of 3-regular Digraph Network Model
sun li
On Fault-Tolerant Diameter and Wide Diameter of 3-Connected Graphs
xie zuo ; xu jun ming
A Family of Cross Schemes with High Stability for Four-order Rob Vibration Equation
zeng wen ping ; kong ling hua
A New Algorithm for a Class of Generalized Monotone Set-valued Mixed Variational Inequalities
fang bao zuo ; liu san yang ; shi chao feng ; lian jun li
A High Order Characteristic Method and Comparison with the Semi-Lagrangian Method
zhang hui sheng ; xu chuan ju
On the Contronl Critical Eigenvalue in Transport Theory
gao feng
Surfaces with Parallel Moebius Forms in Sn
zhang ting zuo
Removable Edges Outside a Spanning Tree of a 3-Connected 3-Regular Graph
Wu Jichang;Li Xueliang