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Food Engineering
2012 Issue 1
The extraction of lutein of orange peel and optimization of technological conditions
tang gui biao ; yuan feng
Standard operation specifications of glassware's in chemical test
li hai yan ; qiao jian fen
Application of HACCP in processing of canned medulla junci
zhu en jun ; bo zuo ; xie xiao min
bu fen shi pin zhuan li jie shao
Application of artificial neural networks in bio-engineering of food
zheng hui na ; zhang chao zuo ; qin xiao ming ; xiao xiu chun
Determination of three antimicrobial reagents in mooncakes by high performance liquid chromatography
jin lu ; zhang zuo ; yu xuan ke ; guo ying jian ; lu xue jiao ; guan yun shi ; huang guang rong
shi pin gong cheng gao yue
Preparation of microcrystalline cellulose from asparagus peel
song mei ling
Brief study on improving supervision system of food safety of our country
cheng jing min ; hu yue ; guo dan ; chen tao ; wang chao