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Advances in Mathematics(China)
2015 Issue 5
Some Recent Progress in String Topology
CHEN Xiaojun;College of Mathematics;Sichuan University;
Quasi-antichain as a Chermak-Delgado Lattice of a Finite Group
AN Lijian;CUI Li;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shanxi Normal University;
A Spectral Criterion for Haagerup Property
DONG Zhe;WANG Yuanyi;Department of Mathematics;Zhejiang University;
Borel Subalgebras of Extension Hamiltonian Lie Superalgebras
ZHANG Jiayu;GAO Chunyan;LIU Wende;School of Mathematical Sciences;Harbin Normal University;
Completely Je-simple Semigroups
GUO Junying;GUO Xiaojiang;DING Juanying;Department of Mathematics;Jiangxi Normal University;
Band of Left Archimedean Ordered Semigroups
ZHU Qingshun;Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics;Institute of Sciences;Information Engineering University;
The Hamming Weight and Nonlinearity of Two Classes of Cubic Rotation-symmetric Boolean Functions
QI Yinghong;ZHANG Xiyong;Information Engineering University;State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing;
A Frequency-hopping Sequence Set Based Upon Generalized Cyclotomy
XU Shanding;CAO Xiwang;XU Guangkui;Department of Mathematics;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Department of Mathematics and Physics;Nanjing Institute of Technology;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Huainan Normal University;
Chromatic Number of Triangle-free Graphs With Some Forbidden Subgraphs
WANG Xiao;Department of Mathematics and Computational Science;Shangluo University;
2-sequence-covering Mappings in Ponomarev-systems
GE Xun;GE Ying;School of Mathematical Sciences;Soochow University;
Newman-type Rational Interpolation Operator Based on a New Type Set of Nodes
ZHAN Qian;XU Shusheng;College of Science;Anhui University of Science and Technology;College of Science;East China University of Science and Technology;
On an Integral-type Operator From Mixed Norm Spaces to Bloch-type Spaces
LONG Jianren;WU Pengcheng;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Guizhou Normal University;School of Mathematical Sciences;Xiamen University;
Aubry-Mather Sets for a Class of Superlinear Reversible Systems
WANG Xiaoming;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shangrao Normal University;Chern Institute of Mathematics;Nankai University;
The Continuity of SDE With Respect to Initial Value in the Total Variation
PENG Xuhui;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Hunan Normal University;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Saddlepoint Approximation to an Important Statistic
MENG Lingbin;TIAN Maozai;Center for Applied Statistics;Renmin University of China;School of Statistics;Renmin University of China;
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