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Technical Acoustics
2014 Issue 1
A statistical fluctuation model of submarine target strength
LI Jian-long;WANG Xin-ning;FAN Jun;Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Naval Architecture;Ocean and Civil Engineering;Navy Submarine Academy;
Experimental study of frogman breathing features
ZHANG Jia-rong;QIAO Gang;XING Tian-an;National Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Technology;Harbin Engineering University;China State Shipbuilding Corporation;
Comparison of two semi-supervised multiclass underwater target recognition algorithm
DU Fang-jian;YANG Hong-hui;School of Marine Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Compressed sensing based acoustic data compression and reconstruction technology
LI Pei;YANG Yi-xin;School of Marine Science and Technology;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
An experimental study of ultrasound assisted freezing of potato
YU De-yang;LIU Bao-lin;Lü Fu-kou;Yancheng Institute of Technology;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Experimental research on the transmission characteristics of high power ultrasonic cable
SHEN Jian-guo;CHEN Li-hua;ZHOU Xiang;SHENG Xiao-fei;School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology;Tianjin University;School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Tianjin University;
Research and implementation of digital modulator in underwater acoustic power amplifier
WANG Xin-gan;DU Xuan-min;WEN Ming;JIANG Qi-jun;Shanghai Marine Electronic Equipment Research Institute;
Discrete cosine wavelet packet transform and compressed sensing for speech signal
ZHANG Chang-qing;CHEN Yan-pu;Xi’an Communications Institute;
Research on dichotic listening of Mandarin tone
MOU Hong-yu;YUAN Meng;FENG Hai-hong;Shanghai Acoustics Laboratory;Chinese Academy of Science;
Sound consciousness assessment and analysis in Beijing new rural area
CHEN Zhe;DENG Xu-guang;The College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Beijing University of Technology;
Analysis of aerodynamic noise of vehicle’s external surface
WANG Yi-gang;YANG Chao;YANG Zhi-gang;LI Qi-liang;Tongji University Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center;
Air and road surface temperature corrections for tyre/road noise measurement with Close-Proximity(CPX) method
Yat-ken LAM;Randolph Chi-kin LEUNG;Wing-tat HUNG;Department of Mechanical Engineering;The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
A classification method of high speed underwater target based on modulation statistics
WANG Sen;GAO Xin;CHENG Yu-sheng;Navy Submarine Academy;
Application of COTS technology in sonar equipment
HAN Zhi-bin;WANG Lu-jun;ZENG Hao;Navy Academy of Armament;State Key Laboratory of Acoustics;Institute of Acoustics;China Academy of Sciences;
Waveforms design for active wake homing torpedo detection
WU Chu-chu;ZHOU Sheng-zeng;JIANG Lin-feng;Shanghai Marine Electronic Equipment Research Institute;
Correction of hydrophone sensitivity variation caused by cable extension based on complex impedance method
GUO Xi-yang;ZHOU Li-sheng;CHEN Yi;Hangzhou Applied Acoustic Institute;
Discussion on the problems about how to design an effective surface ship torpedo defence system abroad
CHEN Jing-jun;Shanghai Marine Electronic Equipment Research Institute;Shanghai Military Representative Bureau of Navy Equipment Department;
Studying the sea with sound
Stan E. Dosso;Jan Dettmer;University of Victoria;