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Journal of Plasticity Engineering
2015 Issue 4
Research and application progress of metal plastic forming mechanism under vibration field
WU Xiao;LI Jian-jun;ZHENG Zhi-zhen;CHEN Xue-dong;State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die and Mould Technology;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automation;Wuhan Textile University;Department of Mechanical;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Review of study on high-intensity ultrasonic vibrations assisted plastic deformation process
LIU Yan-xiong;HUA Lin;Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Automotive Components;Wuhan University of Technology;
Research on die forging of splined shaft flange
CHENG Jun-wei;FENG Xian-zhang;LIU Chang-hong;JIANG Zhi-qiang;School of Mechatronics Engineering;Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management;
Precision forging of spur gear by preforming divided flow hole and final forging
YANG Cheng;ZHANG Yu-ting;ZHANG Li;LIANG Fan;ZHAO Sheng-dun;School of Metallurgical Engineering;Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology;School of Mechanical Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Study on split-flow open loading of aldural complex rib-web component
LI Xu-bin;AN Zi-chao;ZHANG Zhi-min;WANG Qiang;LI Guo-jun;YU Jian-min;College of Material Science and Engineering;North University of China;Military Representative Office on 167 Factory;
Cold extrusion-drawing composite forming process and optimization for aluminum alloy mobile telephone shell
WANG Ke-sheng;CHEN Yong-zhang;HAN Yu;Cheng Xiao-min;School of Mechanical Engineering;Ningbo University of Technology;Jinhaikang Metal & Machine Manufacturing Co.;LTD.;
Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP) to the decision of the importance degree of influence factors on semi-solid micro-extrusion
CHEN Xiao-qing;YU Hu-ping;SHEN Yu;LIU He;School of Materials Science & Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Numerical simulation of extrusion and die optimization for super wide thin-walled aluminum profile for railway vehicles
ZONG Rong-rong;HAO Qiu-hong;HAN Zhi-jun;CHEN Chao;ZHAO Chuan-ye;LI Jun-peng;National Engineering Research Center for Plastic Working of Aluminum Alloys;Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co.;Ltd.;Beijing Nanshan Institute of Aeronautical Materials;National Engineering Research Center for Plastic Working of Aluminum Alloys;Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co.;;
Finite element analysis of variable cross-section roll forming with static mould and kinetic roll
GAO Yi-xin;LI Qiang;GUAN Yan-zhi;YANG Zhen-feng;WANG Shi;College of Mechanical and Material Engineering;North China University of Technology;
A rolling force prediction model based on support vector regression for double cold reduction
ZHAO Zhang-xian;WANG Dong-cheng;LIU Hong-min;National Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Rolling Strip;Yanshan University;State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology;
Effect of the lateral thickness difference and the width-thickness ratio on the critical instability shape of cold rolled strip
SONG Lei;SHEN Ming-gang;YANG Li-po;WANG Jun-sheng;CHEN Xue-bo;University of Science and Technology Liaoning;Yanshan University National Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling;Yanshan University;Technology Center of Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation;
Research of shape model and the control application based on the mechanism in six-high mill asymmetric rolling process(Ⅰ)——Research of shape model and the application based on the mechanism in six-high mill asymmetric rolling process
BAI Zhen-hua;FENG Bin;LIU Ya-xing;CHEN Shuang-yu;CHEN Guang;National Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling;State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology;Yanshan University;Cold Rolling Mill of Shanghai Meishan Iron and Steel Co.;Ltd.;
Optimization of stamping process for high strength steel alloy automotive component using a multi-objective genetic algorithm
ZHANG Jie;Nguyen Quang-minh;School of Mechanical Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
The application and effect of drawbeads in sheet metal flanging rebound
LI Jun;WANG Xiao-feng;School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;
Effect of loading conditions on electro-magnetic local forming for aluminum plate
ZOU Fang-li;HUANG Shang-yu;LEI Yu;ZHOU Meng-cheng;ZHENG Qi;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Wuhan University of Technology;School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering;Wuhan Institute of Technology;
Power spinning process and experiment research for small diameter thin-walled cylindrical workpiece
YU Hui;LIU Shuai-shuai;WANG Xiu-lin;HUANG Hong-tao;DU Feng-shan;School of Mechanical Engineering;Yanshan University;
Numerical simulation and experiment of the hydroforming for automobile exhaust pipe
LIU Zhong-li;GUO Xun-zhong;XU Jin-bo;WANG Liu-an;Ma Fu-ye;TAO Jie;LUO Xin-yi;College of Material Science and Technology;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Engineering Technology Associates;Inc;
Finite element analysis of expand-joint forming of fin-tube heat exchanger with support planes
JIANG Xiang-rong;LI Kai;LI Da-yong;PENG Ying-hong;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shanghai Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration;Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Experimental research on mechanical trimming process of ultra high strength steel
YANG Kun;HAN Xian-hong;Institute of Forming Technology and Equipment;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
A compensation method based on the comprehensive adjustment of grid nodes
GAN Zhong;FENG Shuang;QIAN Zhi-wei;HU Jian-hua;Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology of Ministry of Education;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
Experimental study on side thrust of piston cylinder with structure of double spherical hinge
ZHAO Shi-yan;ZHAO Xin;JIN Miao;FAN Yan-qiao;GUO Bao-feng;Key Laboratory of Advanced Forging & Stamping Technology and Science Ministry of Education;Yanshan University;CFHI Dalian Design and Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Progress on mechanisms study of high energy electropulsing on metals
LU Zi-chuan;JIANG Feng-chun;HOU Hong-liang;LIU-Ying;CHENG Yu-jie;GUO Chun-huan;College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute;College of Engineering and Applied Sciences;Nanjing University;
Hot deformation behavior and processing map of SA508-3CL steel
LI Jing-dan;LIU Jian-sheng;HE Wen-wu;DUAN Xing-wang;Taiyuan University of Science & Technology;
Flow stress behaviour of Al-17.5Si-4Cu-0.5Mg alloy under hot compression deformation
LI Run-xia;ZHANG Li-jun;LIU Lan-ji;ZHANG Le;BAI Yan-hua;LI Rong-de;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Shenyang University of Technology;
Study on the subsequent yield behaviors of DP steel under warm tension
GUO Yu-qing;WANG Shuai;ZHU Xin-feng;LI Fu-zhu;School of Mechanical Engineering;Jiangsu University;
FLD0 prediction model of 6016 aluminum sheets based on multiple linear regression
LI Yan-bo;DIAO Ke-shan;LU Xu;JIANG Hao-min;Research Institute of Baosteel;State Key Laboratory of Development and Application Technology of Automotive Steels;
Study on conductivity of niobium-titanium alloy under different forming processes
TANG Ji-fang;LIU Jing;Beijing Information Technology College;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Study on deformation inducedα′-martensitic transformationand fracture mechanism of 304HC stainless steel wire
XU Yang;SONG Ren-bo;WANG Bin-ning;ZHANG Lei-feng;School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Plane stress field solution of polar coordinates for mode Ⅱ cracking of perfectly elastic-plastic material
FAN Hai-jun;XIAO Sheng-xie;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
Study on large deformation mechanical performance of light aluminum alloy 5052 welded energy absorption thin-walled tubes under axial compressing
QIAO Ji-sen;HE Zhi-feng;XIANG Yang-zhi;CHEN Jian-hong;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing And Recycling Nonferrous Metals;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Monte Carlo based simulation of grain growth in friction stir welding
ZHANG Zhao;WU Qi;WAN Zhen-yu;ZHANG Hong-wu;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Dalian University of Technology;
Multiple nonlinear regression between filament winding temperature parameters and properties of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes
LIU Chao-feng;CHEN Yuan;ZHUANG Shu-xin;LIU Ya-li;WU Xue-hong;ZHANG Yu-xiang;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;
Study on a new type of tunable grating based on PDMS
YANG Jiang-tao;CHEN Meng;KANG Ning;GUO Hao;LIU Jun;TANG Jun;Science and Technology on Electronic Test and Measurement Laboratory;North University of China;Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education;North University of China;