Sensitivity difference of oral epithelial cells in alpha interferon between normal and lesion
YOU Jin-mei;XU Ya-xin;WU Bin;YANG Yong;LI Yu;CHEN Xian-jiu;Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Shanxi Medical University;Department of Epidemiology;Shanxi Medical University;Department of Central Laboratory;General Hospital of TISCO;Department of Epidemiology;Medical Board;Singapore General Hospital;Department of Orthopedics;First Hospital;Shanxi Medical University;
Advances and trends of medical biomimetic materials
DAN Nian-hua;LIU Xin-hua;DAN Wei-hua;LIU Ting;HU Yang;JU Hai-yan;XIAO Shi-wei;Key Laboratory of Leather Chemistry and Engineering;Ministry of Education;Research Center of Biomedical Engineering Technology;Sichuan University;