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Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
2006 Issue 1
Progress in the degradation and biomechanical properties of the absorbable materials in orthopaedics
ZHENG Xiao-long;ZHANG Xi-zheng;LI Rui-xin
Progress in xenotransplantation and further discussion on its medical ethics
wei jian ping ; du lian fang ; ye qi fa ; song ji chang
Application of barcode technique in laboratory
FENG Zhong-ying;WANG Zhu-jian
The cluster analysis of tumor gene expression data with DSOM neural network
LI Xiao;SUN Guang-min;DENG Chao
Investigate T lymphocyte subsets for peripheral blood of patients with tumor by flow cytometry
MIAO Jie-ping;YANG Xue-wen;ZHAO Chun
Surgical therapy of female stress urinary incontinence with tension-free vaginal tape
WANG Zhi-feng;LIANG Wei-bo;ZHUO Yu-min;ZHENG Jian-bo
Long-term therapeutic effect of the mesocaval C shunt with artifical blood vessel
AN Dong-jun;WANG Chao-feng;MA Fu-ping;ZHANG Cheng
Effect of self-ascitic fluid reinfusion post dual-filtration in uremic refractory ascites:analysis of 12 cases
WANG Shun-hua;ZHANG Qing-hong;SHAN Bao-zhen;YUE Fa-guo;LU Hai-yan;LI Xin-hua;LIU Yan-ling;YANG Hong-rong
The effect on fast pathway anterograde conduction after radiofrequencey ablation of slow pathway
MENG Wei-dong;SUN Bao-gui;WANG Fang;CHEN Gang;ZHUANG Wen-yan;XUE Ji-xiang
Study on echocardiography-guided radiofrequency catheter ablation in atrioventicular node
GUO Tao;DAI Qing-yuan;GU Yun;HAN Ming-hua;LI Zuo-cai;ZHAO Ling;LI Shu-min;LIU Zhong-mei;YANG Xi-yun;LIU Rong
Study on selection of supine or prone radiotherapy in esophageal cancer
LU Jun;LIU Xiao-li;ZHAO Hai-tao;FU Li;FAN Feng-yun;WEI Li-chuna;SHI Mei
An experimental model of membraneous oxygenator
ZHAO Hong-ming;DONG Gang;WU Heng;LIU Guo-qing
Experimental study on electrical impedance tomography for monitoring intraperitoneal bleeding in rabbits
LI Zheng;DONG Xiu-zhen;YOU Fu-sheng;ZHAO Da-qing;LIN Xin;ZHANG Guo-peng;ZHENG Wan-song
Different responses to dynamic strain in human marrow stromal cells and periosteal cells in vitro
ZHANG Chao;LIANG Guo-sui;ZHANG Ying-kai;HU Yun-yu