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Journal of Biomathematics
2015 Issue 4
Existence of Global Attractors for Glycolysis Model in H~k Spaces
LI Li-mei;LI Jun-yan;College of Mathematics and Software Science;Sichuan Normal University;Jincheng College;Sichuan University;
Optimal Feedback Control for the Lactic Acid Fermentation in A Turbidostat
ZHAO Zhong;XIAO Yi;PANG Liu-yong;Department of Mathematics;Huanghuai University;The second Junior school of Zhumadian City;
New Exact Solutions for a (1+1)-dimensional Chemotaxis Model
TIAN Bao-dan;XIAN Da-quan;QIU Yan-hong;School of Science;Southwest University of Science and Technology;School of Mathematical Science;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Permanence in a Nonautonomous Multi-Species Cooperative Symbiosis System with Harmless Time Delays and Feedback Controls
LIU Ping;Department of Mathematics;Yunnan University;
Stability and Hopf-Bifurcation of Solution for a Cellular Neural Network System with Variable Delays
CHEN Ning;TIAN Bao-dan;CHEN Ji-qian;School of Science;Southwest University of Science and Technology;
Hopf Bifurcation and Stability for Predator-Prey Systems with Ratio-Dependent Type Functional Response and Stage Structure
WEI Feng-ying;FU Qiu-yue;College of Mathematics and Computer Science;Fuzhou University;
Adaptive Noise Reduction of ECG Signal Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Wavelet Shrinkage
SONG Mei;School of Mathematics and Statistics Science;Ludong University;
Positive Periodic Solution of Two Species Predator-Prey Discrete System with Deviating Arguments
FU Jin-bo;CHENG Rong-fu;Minnan Science and Technology Institute Fujian Normal University;
Research and Simulation of Dynamic Model of Pine Population with Pine Nuts Lean Year
LI Ze-yu;LIU Yang-yang;SONG Guo-hua;Canvard College Beijing Technology and Business University;Beijing NO.3 Construction Engineering CO.;LTD;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
Analysis of An SEIR Epidemic Model with A Delay and Vertical Transmission
GUO Shu-li;FANG Bin;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Xinyang Normal University;
The well-posedness of the solution of the Nonstationary Forest Evolution System
WANG Ding-jiang;BAI Hui-hui;College of Science;Zhejiang University of Technology;
Dynamics of Pest Management SI Model Considering the Effect of Pesticides Function
XU Ming-na;LIU Bing;KANG Bao-lin;Department of Mathematics;Liaoning Normal University;Department of Mathematics;Anshan Normal College;
A Qualitative Analysis of Holling Ⅲ Predator-Prey System with Constant Harvesting Rate
WEI Yu-ming;QIN Yan-ting;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Guagnxi Normal University;
Impact of Sex Workers in Injecting Drug Users on HIV Transmission and Prevalence
HAN Li-tao;School of Information;Renmin University of China;
The Effects of Refuges in a Predator-Prey-Pathogen Model with General Functional Response
CHEN An-ning;SUN Liang-liang;FU Sheng-mao;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Longdong University;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Northwest Normal University;
Study of SIVR Model with Continuous Vaccination and Pulse Vaccination
HU Xin-li;JIN Shang-hai;Science college;Xi’an Polytechnic University;Science college;Xi’an University of Technology;
A Predator-Prey Model with Disease in the Prey
ZHAO Jiao;WEI Chun-jin;WANG Bao-tong;ZHANG Shu-wen;School of sciences;Jimei University;
Global Attractivity in a Lotka-Volterra Competition System with Feedback Controls
SHI Chun-ling;Zhicheng College;Fuzhou University;
Path Analysis for Effect of Wheat Yield Factor on the Bulk Density
ZHENG Li-fei;FAN Zhan-fei;FENG Hao;WEI Yong-sheng;Applied Mathematical Institute;North A&F University;China Water Saving Irrigation Institute;Life College;North A&F University;
Establishment and Optimization for the Live Pig Selling Mathematical Model
WANG Shi-pu;SUN Feng-lan;School of Computer Science;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Science;Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Global Analysis of a Delay SEIRS Epidemic Model with Pulse Vaccination
LV Long;YAO Xiao-juan;College of Technology and Engineering;LanZhou University of Technology;
Global Analysis of a Delay SEIR Eipdemic Model with Birth Pulse,Pulse Vaccination and Vertical Infection
HAN Tie-qiong;WEI Yu-ming;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Guangxi Normal University;
The Hopf Bifurcation of an Seir Eqidemic Model with Vertical Transmission
YU Li-qi;LI Wen-xue;Mathematics Department;East University of Heilongjiang;Mathematics Department;Harbin Insitute of Technology;
gong gao