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Journal of Biomathematics
2000 Issue 2
Distribution of Red Cell Blood Groups in She Nationality of Ningguo County Anhui Province
Mei Changhua;Yu Yaqin;JIANG Sanduo
Study on Integration and Optimization of Canonical Selection Traits
Qin Haorong;Ji Junling;Yuan Zhifa
The Application of Distinguishment Analysis for RK Operation Scheme
LIU Yuhong;Zeng Yanjun;Yang Zhenhai
The Effect of the Artificial Neural Network's Provincialism on Its Training Rate
Mao Zhiqi;Liu Jiaxin;Yuan Yingjin
A Study of Stem-Conductivity of Cinnammon Camphora (Linn.) Presl and Broussonetia Papyrifera (L.) L'Hert
Zhang Guangxian;Zhang Fengxiu;Chen Dewan
The Model on Selecting Main Fertility Factors of Soil
Wang Yujie;Wang Qian
A Genetic Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing and Its Applications
Xiong Fanlun;DENG Chao
Analysis of Combining Ability and Inheritability of Resistance to Leaf Blast during Seedling Stage of Hybrid Rice
Zhang Changwei;Zheng Jiakui;Jiang Kaifeng;Zhu Yongchuan;Wan Xianqi;Zhu Fayun
A Method for Drawing up Selection Index Aiming at Improving Feed Efficiency
Xu Pengyun;Yang Yunqing;Wang Zhouji