An analysis of period features of groundwater micro-dynamics in the North China Plain
WANG Shi-qin;SONG Xian-fang;WANG Qin-xue;TANG Chang-yuan;LIU Chang-ming;Centre for Agricultural Resources Research;Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology;Chinese Academy Science;Faculty of Horticulture;Chiba University;Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Science;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Institute for Environmental Studies;
A model test study of the Xiakou landslide of Ya’an in Sichuan
YU Ke-chen;YAO Lei-hua;WANG Jin-chao;SHANG Yin-sheng;ZHOU Ping-gen;Yantai Jinjian Metallurgy Technology Co.;Ltd.;China University of Geosciences;School of engineering and technology;Beijing Language and Culture University;Survey and Design Institute of Shanxi Province;China Institute of Geo-Environmental Monitoring;