Optimization of PCR-based method for rapid detection of genetically modified(GM) papaya
LUO Qiyu;FANG Yang;ZHANG Dingpeng;ZHU Peng;TAN Fengxiao;WANG Jianwu;College of Agriculture;South China Agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Agro-Environments in Tropics;Ministry of Agriculture;South China Agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Agroecology and Rural Environment of Guangdong Regular Higher Education Institutions;South China Agricultural University;
Fish community pattern in the Daya Bay,northern South China Sea
WANG Xuehui;DU Feiyan;QIU Yongsong;ZHANG Heng;SUN Dianrong;JIA Xiaoping;South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;CAFS;Key Laboratory of Fishery Ecology and Environment;Guangdong Province;Post-doctor Research Station;College of Ocean & Earth Sciences;Xiamen University;East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;CAFS;
Treatment of landfill leachate by a microbial agent
LI Hong;REN Xianghao;KOU Yingying;MINSU BAE;State Key Laboratory of Urban Storm Water System and Water Environment;Ministry of Education;School of Environment and Energy Engineering;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Environmental Corporation of Incheon;Incheon City;
Review on myxobacteria bioactive substance and its application prospect
YUAN Hongjuan;TAN Zhiyuan;ZHU Honghui;Department of Life Science;Yuncheng University;Guangdong Institute of Microbiology;State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology Southern China;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application;Guangdong Open Laboratory of Applied Microbiology;College of Agriculture;South China Agricultural University;
Research progress on allelopathic effects for algae control
SUN Zhiwei;QIU Lihua;DUAN Shunshan;CAI Zhuoping;LI Zhuojia;WEN Guoliang;South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;Key Laboratory of South China Sea Fishery Resources Exploitation & Utilization;Ministry of Agriculture;Research Center of Hydrobiology;Jinan University;Editorial Office of Ecological Science;Ecological Society of Guangdong Province;