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Ecological Economy
2016 Issue 4
yin du kong qi wu ran qing kuang chao guo zhong guo
zhou zhi min ; wang hui li ; zhang peng yan ;
zhong guo sheng wu duo yang xing mian lin yan jun tiao zhan
liu lei ; zhang qing ping ;
ji dong che yi cheng kong qi wu ran zhu li
hu can wei ;
Relative Efficiency Evaluation of Land Urbanization and Population Urbanization in China
WANG Xingjie;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on the Mechanism and Strategy for Improving the Quality of Regional Urbanization under the Perspective of Water Ecological Civilization
MU Lan;FANG Lan;Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development;Shaanxi Normal University;
The Research on the Evaluation Method and Balance Sheet Establishing of Grassland Natural Resources Assets
LIU Xinchao;ZHAI Xiu;Saishal;LIU Yahong;SUN Hailian;LIU Xuehua;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences;Inner Mongolia Prataculture Research Center;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Emission-Water Nexus: Future Electricity Generation in China
PAN Bolin;GU Alun;JIANG Dongmei;Institute of Energy;Environment and Economy;Tsinghua University;School of Economics and Management;Zhengzhou Normal University;
Thinking on Agricultural Green Transformation Development of China
YU Fawen;Rural Development Institute;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;Research Centre for Ecological and Environmental Economy;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Comparative Study on the Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Eco-Environment of China’s Urban Agglomeration
HUANG Hedong;Party Committee Office;Hezhou University;School of management;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Countermeasures for the Transformation of Mining Cities in China under New Urbanization Strategies
ZHOU Yu;CHENG Jinhua;DAI Sheng;School of Economic Management;China University of Geosciences;Research Center of Resources and Environmental Economics;China University of Geosciences;
Analysis on Ecological Sustainability in Resource-Based Cities in Transformation Period: A Case of Jiaozuo City
WANG Guan;School of Economics and Management;Henan Polytechnic University;
Research on Comprehensive Carrying Capacity of Transporation: Taking Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration as an Example
QI Zhe;ZHANG Guixiang;College of Urban Economics and Public Administration;Capital University of Economics and Business;
The Influence of Economy Urbanization to Carbon Emission: An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Dada
BAI Xiaozhong;LI Ping;LIAO Liangmei;School of Economics & Management;Hubei University of Technology;
Is There a “Pollution Haven” Issue of Carbon Emissions Existing in China? A Retesting Based on FDI Data of Different Locations
YANG Jun;LI Wenju;CONG Jianhui;School of Economics and Management;Shanxi University;
An Empirical Study Using Correlation Analysis on Foreign Direct Investment, Environmental Governance and Carbon Emissions
YU Dan;ZHAO Lizhou;WANG Bo;YANG Bangxing;School of Economics and Management;Liaoning Shihua University;
Research on the Adjustment of the Structure of the Construction Industry Based on Carbon Emissions
MA Xiaoguo;OUYANG Qiang;College of Economics & Management;Nanjing Institute of Technology;School of Economics & Management;Changsha University of Science &Technology;
The Research Trading of on Public Buildings Carbon Emissions
ZHANG Suxian;GUO Mengmeng;School of Management;Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology;
The Optimal Decision-Making on Production Quantity of a Manufacturer under Imposed Emission Cap and Carbon-Dependent Demand
LIU Chao;WANG Guoli;School of Economics and Management;Tianjin University of Science and Technology;
Research on Efficiency Evaluation and Influence Factors of Provincial Industrial Circular Economy in China
NIE Rong;LI Sen;School of Economic;Liaoning University;School of Business;Liaoning University;
The Measurement and Comparison of Chinese Regional Industrial Structure Ecology Level: Based on 37 Industries’ Data from 2006 to 2012 in Fujian, Jiangxi and Ningxia
LV Mingyuan;CHEN Weixuan;CHEN Long;School of Economics;Tianjin University of Commerce;
Development Trend and Sustainability Evaluation of Ecological Economic System of Hebei Province for 2005-2014
SUN Xingli;Institute of Economics;Shijiazhuang University of Economics;
Evaluation of Ecological Efficiency of Urban Construction Land in Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai Area: Based on Three-Stage DEA and Bootstrap-DEA Methods
WU Zhenhua;TANG Qin;WANG Yabei;Business School;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;Institute of Information Technology;Guilin University of Electronic Technology;
Study on Establishment of Withdrawal Mechanism for Industrial Land in Development Zone: A Case Study of Ningbo Free Trade Zone
REN Liyan;LI Jialin;MA Renfeng;NING Aifeng;Faculty of Architectural Civil Engineering and Environment;Ningbo University;School of Law;Ningbo University;
Basic Institutional Arrangements for Renewable Resource Management during the Transitional Period
PENG Xushu;Institute of Quantitative & Technical Economics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Research on the Investment Valuation of the CCER Project for Waste-to-Power Based on the Real Option Model
DAI Chunyan;ZHOU Yanling;School of Administration;Chongqing technology and Business University;Enterprise Management Research Center of Chongqing;
Theoretical Analysis and Practice on Full Process Quality Control System of Green Food
ZHANG Zhihua;XU Aiguo;CHEN Huaiguo;XIU Wenyan;ZHANG Renlian;China Green Food Development Center;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Jiangsu Province Green Food Office;
New Ideas to Solve the Dilemma of China’s Tourism Environmental Governance: Tourism Environmental Tax
LIN Lang;School of Law;Xiamen University;
Study of Southwest Ethnic Village Anti-Poverty Paths: An Example of Xijiang Village in Guizhou Province
DONG Fayao;CHEN Hongling;LI Ruyue;WU Jianguo;School of Southwest Nationalities;Southwest University for Nationalities;Business School;Guangxi University;Library;Southwest University for Nationalities;
The Research of China’s Environmental Policy Change within the Advocacy Coalition Framework
HAN Xiaohui;ZHAO Jingyi;CHEN Xile;Philosophy Department;Xiamen University;
Progress and Review in Government Procurement of Public Environmental Services
GAO Qingsong;TANG Fei;Business School;Xiangtan University;
Research on the Efficiency of China’s Environmental Investment by DEA Window Analysis
YUAN Huaping;Institute of Finance and Taxation;Capital University of Economics and Business;Institute of Finance and Public Administration;Anhui University of Finance and Economics;
Effect Test of Employment of Environmental Pollution Control Technology in China
YAN Wenjuan;XIONG Yan;School of Economics and Management;Xi’an Technological University;School of Economics and International Trade;Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics;
Research on Environmental Treatment Guided by the People’s Livelihood Project: A Case Study of Henan Province
LI Tingting;Economics & Management College;Henan Agricultural University;Accounting Department;Henan College of Finance & Taxation;
Analysis and Countermeasure of Responsibility Subject for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction
ZHU Shouxian;Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Industrial Air Pollution Treatment Efficiency and Its Regional Difference in China
FAN Chunzeng;GU Haiying;JIANG Hong;Antai College of Economics and Management;Shanghai Jiaotong University;College of Social Science;Shanghai University;
A Review of Researches on Payment for Watershed Ecosystem Services
JIANG Yuqi;CHEN Ke;College of Economics and Management;Shenyang Agricultural University;
Construction and Practical Analysis on the ELES Management Model of Water Environment
HUANG Senwei;ZHENG Yifang;SU Shipeng;BIAN Lili;College of Public Administration;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Impacts of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services Value in the Middle Reaches of Heihe Based on RS and GIS
ZHOU Houxia;WANG Yong;Institute of Earth Science and Surveying and Mapping Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Linyi Municipal Land and Resources Bureau;Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Valuation of the Ecosystem Services in Southern Mountain of Zhejiang Province
FU Mengdi;LI Junsheng;ZHANG Rong’an;GAO Xiaoqi;XIAO Nengwen;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Taishun County Environmental Protection Bureau;
Research of Gansu Province Ecological Fragility Trend since Beginning of the Western Development
QIU Fang;MA Dingchou;SUN Xiaoli;WU Jinhong;College of Economics and Management;Gansu Agricultural University;College of Economics and Management;Nanjing Agricultural University;
Optimum Population Studies in Xinjiang under the Comprehensive Carrying Capacity Perspective
ZHANG Qinghong;School of Statistics and Information;Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics;
Estimating of Economic and Social Contribution and Ecological Loss for Rubber Plantation in Yunnan Province
DIAO Junke;LI Ju;LIU Xinyou;Hydrology and Water Resources Bureau of Yunnan Province;
Environmental Regulation Policy Choices of the Shale Gas Resource Development: Based on Environment Space Differences
PENG Min;LEI Ming;YANG Hongbo;WANG Yanqiu;Petroleum Institute of Economics and Management;Northeast Petroleum University;School of Economics and Management;Northeast Petroleum University;
The Failures and Countermeasures of the Legal System’s Implementation of Ecosystem-Based Disaster Management
HUANG Zhiyu;Research Institute of Environmental Law;Wuhan University;
Dong Traditional Culture and Ecological Environment Protection: Taking the Dong Area of Southeast Guizhou Province as an Example
CUI Haiyang;MA Hongbin;GAO Xiang;YANG Haixin;ASEAN Research Institute;Guizhou University;School of Management;Guizhou University;Tea Culture and Tea Industry Research Institute;Mokpo National University;
The Urban Wetland Landscape Design Based on “Sponge City” Construction
MENG Yonggang;WANG Xiangyang;ZHANG Ru;Nanchang University;Landscaping Bureau of Nanchang;