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Journal of Shantou University(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 3
Research on Repair Operators in Constrained Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
FAN Zhun;,LI Wenji;,XIE Shuxiang;
Prediction and Optimization Model of Chang'e 3 Soft Landing
WU Yongfeng;,YE Ming;,YAO Haoqi;,WEI Caimin;
Design of Creative Folding Tables
ZHANG Hongfeng;,LIANG Binmeng;,LU Jieling;,LI Jian;
Automated Proving of Trigonometric Function Polynomial Inequalities
Chen Shiping;,Liu Zhong;
Dividend Problems in the Intersection Risk Model with Delayed Claims
BAO Zhenhua;,LIU Dan;
Study of Tin-Doped Indium Oxide Nanowires Array on Synthesis and Field Emission Property
HU Xiaowei;,CHI Lingfei;,XIAN Zhike;
ren wu jie shao