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Feed Research
2004 Issue 8
Effect of metal ions on feed enzyme activities
zhao yu rong ; jin hong ; chen qing hua ; wang hong quan ; shen wei jun ; zhu li tao
Effects of Allium mongolicum Regel, Thymus mongolicus and allicin on weight gain of sheep
jing ming yan ; sun jian yi ; zhao shu sheng ; lu zuo
Analysis of hazardous factors in feed production
cao wu qi ; chen chun ru
Study on the synergic effects of effective microbes and vaccine
yi li ; ni xue qin ; pan kang cheng ; wang yang
Utilization of chelated microelement with amino acid in chick farming
chen bao jiang ; cai hui yi
Algal-the feed raw material from the sea
he lan hua ; gan yin quan
Research advance in milk replacer for calves
zhao xiao jing ; li jian guo ; sun tao ; liu rui na
A brief introduction to a circulation system with zero drainage for aquaculture
wang yan bo ; xu zuo rong
Utilization of feed acidifier in animal and poultry farming
zhou meng qing ; wang ji cheng
duan nai zi zhu ri liang pei zhi ji shu de shi yan
cheng wei ; xu jun jie
ti gao nai niu ru dan bai lv de cuo shi
ma mei rong
Application of chelated microelements with amino acid in aquaculture
zhuo qi lang ; chen xue hao
zhong cao yao si liao tian jia ji fang zhi zi zhu xia li
li yong jing ; wang yi zhen
gao chan nai niu gan nai ji shu yao dian
wei gong yuan
hui zhan guang chang
shang qing zhuan di