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Journal of Shangluo University
2006 Issue 2
Communicative Competence in College English Teaching
CAI Li-Wei
Unequal Phenomena of English-Chinese Words and Expressons Caused by Cultural Difference
CHENG Jian-liang;DING Jun-hong
The Development of Complex Beverage of Stedum Aizoom L
GAO Bao-yun
The Optimal inventory model based on shortage characteristic
QU Zheng-geng
Measure the Thickness of Aluminum Foil by γ Ray
TANG Yin-sheng
The Quantum Phase Density Distributing of The Leading Coherent States
CHEN Yong-zhuang;LI Ying;ZHANG Ji-liang;GAO Rong-fa;LIU Bao-ying
A Group of Bernoulli Numer-included Identities and Congruence Formula
YANG Cun-dian;LI Chao;LI Jun-zhuang
The Application of Max and Min in the Elementary Number Theory
YE Zai-liang
Some identities involving Bell number in proper order
WANG Nian-liang
On Honesty Education in Teaching Majors of Accounting
LEI Qing
On Library Catalogue Workers' Care to the Reader
SUN Cui-qin
The Tax Policy Choice for Coordinated Rural and Urban Development
WANG Yi;ZUO Xiao-min
Research Methods on Chinese Dialects
MENG Wan-chun;JI Xiao-fang
On Iranian Islamic Nationalism
JI Kai-yun
Joint Dance of Man, God and Devil --A Glimpse on Gao Lao Zhuang
ZHANG Chuan-ping
Analysis of Straw Worm
DONG Zhi-quan
On Abolishing Illegal Proofs
SHU Zhen
A Comparative Study on the Aggregated Consequential Offense Between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits
FAN Lian-yu;XIA Cong-ling;WANG Zhi-qiang
A Discussion on Insurance Fraud
CHAI Hua;Zhang Bo