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Feed China
2003 Issue 23
Brief Information
wei nong min jiao yu cha shang teng fei de chi bang
zhao cheng you
Soybean concentrated protein-high quality protein material for aquatic feed
li yue ming ; cai yong jiu
Feeding and management for deer
mao zuo qing ; weng chong peng
Control way for some functional eggs
sun ya li ; zou xiao ting
The sample pretreatment for determining microelement in feed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
gao yan ling ; kang xiang tao ; zhao cheng bi
THE STUDIES ON detection of scarce cellulase activity in ration by agar gel diffusion
luo chang cai ; li lian ; liu ya li ; wang zuo ying ; zhu bao chang
Pollution in animal husbandry and measurements of nutrition regulation
wang gui zuo ; xu hu ; liu yan
Three development state on aquatic products in Beijing in 2003
wu xiang sheng
Waving and forecast on feed market
liu shao bo ; shi you long ; ge xiang ; liu nuo