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Forest Pest and Disease
2007 Issue 3
ke ji qi kan ( sen lin you hai sheng wu ) ti lu xuan
song yu shuang
Advance in the study on the plant phyllosphere bacteria
CUI Yong-san;ZHAO Bo-guang;LIU Yun-peng
Progress on the research of Dastarcus helophoroides
wei jian rong ; yang zhong zuo ; ma jian hai ; tang zuo
Progress in research on Semanotus bifasciatus
GAO Su-lan;XU Zhi-chun;GONG Xian-ci
The design of management information systems of selected pests of quarantine significance in Anhui Province with GIS
jiang li ya ; wu hong gan ; chang yuan fei ; shi jin ; tang zong bin
Construction model of prevention system of forest pests in China
li ji shun ; zhang lian cheng ; guo wen hui ; he chuan jie ; song yu shuang
Forecast of the spatial population density of Dendrolimus punctatus based on forecast kriging
CHEN Hui-hua;CUI Xiang-fu;ZHANG Jian-wei
Integrated management of Holcocerus hippophaecolus in Liaoning Province
sun yong ping ; zheng hong qi ; zhang lian sheng ; liang shu jun ; jiang zong hui
Spraying virulence of Euphorbia wallichii paste against insect pests such as Macrosiphum avenae
song jing yun ; yu jie ; sun qing bao ; zhao jian feng
Screening of the plant hormones causing the fruit pre-abscission of Arceuthobium sichuanense
zhou zai bao ; xu zhi chun ; tian cheng ming ; luo you qing ; wang guo cang ; han fu zhong
Effective fungicide screening against pathogen of hybrid bamboo blight in lab
HUANG Zong-chao;ZHU Tian-hui
Occurrence of poplar pests and their sustainable control techniques in Dongtinghu rgeion
ZHANG Yu-rong;JIANG Yun;ZHONG Wu-hong