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Forest Pest and Disease
2001 Issue 2
Key of 7 species of important forest rodents in Eastern Great Xing-an Mountains
chen xin ; qiao de ; hu xu tai ; zhuang kai xun
Ips from the U.S.A
JI Jun-guang
Attracting Monchamus alternatus with baited woods
wu zhong liang ; zhu jian guo ; liang xi di ; shen jie ; zhou guan xiao
Use of esfenvalerate against Orthosia incerta
xing hai hong ; li gui hua ; cai hui ; deng xin sheng
Use of Suteling (a Bt insecticide)against Malacosoma neustria
yang hai xiu ; zuo hong kun ; zheng chang cheng ; ran ya li
Pheromone field trapping test of Cydia strobilella in Heilongjiang Province,China
sun jiang hua ; yan shan chun ; zhang xu dong
The fluctuation index of Monochamus alternatus population
lin shi kui ; zhang shi yuan ; chen li gen
Isolation,culture and application of Beauveria bassiana for the control of Dictyoploca japonica
yang shi zuo ; wu meng nai ; chen jie ; lin lin ; fu cheng song ; du you bing ; cai ze rong
Experiment of using Benzoylphenal urea Ⅲ against Stilpnotia candida larvae:Its continuous effect on other stages
li gui shan ; yang zhan qiang ; wang wen ming ; zhang zhi liang ; zhou zi
Comparison among 6 Bacillus thuringiensis products against Dendrolimus tabulaeformis larvae
zhang yong an ; wang yu zhu ; zhao tong hai
Preliminary research of sterility on the irradiated female imago of Anoplophora glabripennis
tang zuo ; zheng zhe min ; jiang wen sheng ; chen mei hong ; kang zhong